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Ted Maul

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Posts posted by Ted Maul

  1. I hate Spurs and their fans more than any other team (Yes, probably even Sunderland) so this victory was sweet :secret: Some brilliant posts on Glory-Glory.net.


    They're fucking crying like bairns over Huntington's tackle on Lennon only getting a yellow whereas they've said nowt about Chimbonda raising his hands to Butt.


    But that was one of the most cynical and dirtiest fouls ive seen for years in the premiership...


    You see fouls like that every week! Talk about complete and utter fucking numpties.

    How can you hate Spurs fans more than fuckin Sunderland fans. Fuckin hell. Spurs fans are wanks, but irrelevant wanks. Without sopunding like NE5 and the auburn accountants of the board, many, many KBJ's on here. Fuckin hate Spurs fans more than Sunderland. Fuckin work there for one week.


    Granted Spurs fans are as annoying as dippers, but get a fuckin grip 4fs


    :unsure: God, you're a wanker.


    I've grown up with Sunderland fans all my life mate, I go to Uni in Sunderland and some Mackem's will even try to claim I live there. Yes, I hate Sunderland the football club and there are quite a few of there fans who I take an immense dislike to an'aal however, for every Sunderland fan I know who is a twat I know several more who aren't and who I can banter with. Face it shitlips, long gone are the days you'd get chased down the street by a bunch of skinheads in Dr. Martin's, rivalry is much more good natured now. I still want Sunderland to lose every game and drop down the leagues like a fucking stone but their fans don't rile me half as much as Spurs fans do.


    Without exception, every Spurs fan I have talked to has this Big Club complex just because Villa and Ossie help win them a few tinpots years ago. I'd call them Mackem's of the south but that would be being too kind.

  2. I hate Spurs and their fans more than any other team (Yes, probably even Sunderland) so this victory was sweet :unsure: Some brilliant posts on Glory-Glory.net.


    They're fucking crying like bairns over Huntington's tackle on Lennon only getting a yellow whereas they've said nowt about Chimbonda raising his hands to Butt.


    But that was one of the most cynical and dirtiest fouls ive seen for years in the premiership...


    You see fouls like that every week! Talk about complete and utter fucking numpties.

  3. Apocolypto - I hate Mel Gibson, I wanted to see Employee of the Month but it had sold out so I was stuck with another subtitled pile of shite. How wrong I was. A great film if you don't read too much into the historical side of it. As you would expect from an Adolf Gibson film it's massively one sided and isn't closely historical in anyway. Still, it's a brilliantly brutal film and it kept me on the edge of my seat for the whole two hours.

  4. Am I the only personwho can see Freddy in his office now with a massive grin on his face, on the phone to Mourinho either A: trying to convince him to come to us or B: Trying to sell him both Edgar and Huntington for an obscene amount of money.


    Probably, Taylor27 might be aswell.


    I'm not saying he'll come here. What i'm saying is in Fat Fred's warped little world he probably thinks that this is an admission by Jose that he wants the job.

  5. Can someone please IP Ban him, he's being a complete joke, trying to act that he knows how to fight. Just ban him and all his little crew that keep on joining on here and end this shit.


    You're the kind of sad cunt I hate. You obviously are so passionate about your little online community that you can't bare to see scumbags like me here. You SAD FUCK. It's a FORUM!


    If that's how you feel then why are you still here? As you say, it's just a forum.

  6. Not your fault Dave, the lad's got something wrong with him. All yous did was ban him from your place for acting the cock on there. So he came here.


    And got banned for nothing, apart from reacting to provocation.





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