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Dwain Chambers

Smooth Operator

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rotten stinking drug cheat gets caught and then whines about it


what else is there to say?


All the top athletes are on drugs or have been at some point as you well know. In a lot of the events we're at the very edge of human ability.


It's certainly a very blurry line between what is ok and what isn't.


It's going to be really interesting when you can start to make genetic modifications to yourself to increase your performance (East African population runners having higher red cell counts genetically as well as potentially environmentally for example, artificial mimicking by doping blood would still be illegal, but would changing someone's red cell levels at a genetic level be cheating? And how would anyone know anyway?).



the line is NOT blurry - you don't take drugs is what it says


a bunch of creeps try and beat the system adn then complain when they are caught


the excuse "everyone does it" didn't wash at Nuremburg or in any couirt


breaking the law or the rules brings consequences - and they may not be pleasant



Ah, but you can take "drugs" (most athletes will be on a load of stuff), you've just got to be careful they don't push your base testosterone levels up too much (they have to be careful about a lot of stuff anyone can buy quite happily over the counter in Holland and Barretts), not to mention that one season there's stuff that are "supplements" that the next season become "banned substances", both in athletic terms and actually occasionally in legal terms too.


Never mind the medical drugs residue issues.


There is no clear line, although some things are clearly to one side or the other, a lot of things aren't clearly to either side of the "line".


This is just another linux issue where you don't know what you're talking about I guess.


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It's a shame when a sportsman's chances of winning a medal rely on his medical team's ability to avoid detection :headphonedance: It's very difficult not to be cynical about modern sportsmen, no matter how much they bang on about being 'clean'. Cycling seems to be particularly rotten.

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I'm afraid it is, most of our players will be taking stuff that an Olympic athlete might think twice about, not because it is illegal or even banned for athletics, but just because it could get you a fail in other ways.


Or do you agree with Rob that the line is perfectly clear? ;)

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