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Lass killled by police car

Jusoda Kid

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Heard people were throwing bricks at the police and that a few arrests were to be made.

So Fop won't post here for some time then... :lol:




In fairness hadn't the guy arrested had just seen his girlfriend killed by said police car? So he was maybe understandably a tad tetchy.

Fortunately he was quickly tasered before he pulled out that assault rifle he had cunningly concealed about himself whilst dressed in just his boxer shorts. :(






But no need to fret the police will have this swept under the rug in no time at all (they'll probably have "forgotten" who was driving the car already), just like in Middlesbrough and all the other examples; move along nothing to see here. :crylaughin:

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You can see how it happens though.



Yesterday a police car came past me on a 30mph road (fairly narrow road, cars parked intermittently on both sides), doing 60+ mph. Wasn't even a suped up traffic car, just an average plod in an astra driving like a madman.


No way that speed was "safe" in those conditions for pedestrians or other drivers, never mind at night, without lights or sirens.

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Fucking terrible like. I heard she would have being doing a GCSE English exam today on the news. A similar thing happened to the son of one of our teachers. Fortunately he lived but he was in hospital for about 6 months and it was touch and go. The police car hit him travelling at high speeds in a residential area at night with no lights on, let alone flashing lights and / or siren as it was supposedly trying to approach a house where a burglary was happening without attracting attention. The copper got off scot free, as you might have guessed.



Not sure If I've posted this before but a while back I heard sirens right outside my house. My computer is in the bay window of the flat (Heaton) and I seen the bizzy car pass the window doing about seventy, 70mph in one of the avenue type streets. By the time I got to the front door he was coming back along Heaton road heading towards the Bingo.


Must have been chasing someone and thought he could get through on to Heaton road from second ave, that meant he had to go along the back lanes to Le Vita restaurant to get back on to Heaton Road...FFS what speed was he doing along the back lanes?



This was about 8pm may i add.



Fucking Wankers, i hope they jail the cunt and he's bummed to death by Snowy Abbadon

There is a blast from the past

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Fucking terrible like. I heard she would have being doing a GCSE English exam today on the news. A similar thing happened to the son of one of our teachers. Fortunately he lived but he was in hospital for about 6 months and it was touch and go. The police car hit him travelling at high speeds in a residential area at night with no lights on, let alone flashing lights and / or siren as it was supposedly trying to approach a house where a burglary was happening without attracting attention. The copper got off scot free, as you might have guessed.



Not sure If I've posted this before but a while back I heard sirens right outside my house. My computer is in the bay window of the flat (Heaton) and I seen the bizzy car pass the window doing about seventy, 70mph in one of the avenue type streets. By the time I got to the front door he was coming back along Heaton road heading towards the Bingo.


Must have been chasing someone and thought he could get through on to Heaton road from second ave, that meant he had to go along the back lanes to Le Vita restaurant to get back on to Heaton Road...FFS what speed was he doing along the back lanes?



This was about 8pm may i add.



Fucking Wankers, i hope they jail the cunt and he's bummed to death by Snowy Abbadon

There is a blast from the past



:blink: Was wondering if anyone would pick up on it.

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  • 4 months later...

It's funny, but I thought driving along whilst chatting on a mobile held to your ear with one hand was ILLEGAL.




But it can't be because I've just seen a male copper (who looked about 16 years old and had one of those "noughties" mullets :( ) driving past in his patrol car merrily chatting away on his. ;)

Edited by Fop
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  • 6 months later...
Pc guilty of girl's crash death




A police officer has been found guilty of causing the death of a 16-year-old schoolgirl by dangerous driving.


Pc John Dougal, 41, had accelerated to 94mph (151km/h) in a 30mph zone before he hit Hayley Adamson in Newcastle in May, the city's crown court heard.


A police driving expert told the court that the patrol officer's speed was unjustified, but Dougal had claimed he had been driving safely.


Northumbria Police said it accepted responsibility for Hayley's death.


The car's siren and lights had not been activated at the time, the jury heard.


Following the conviction, Judge David Hodson said a prison sentence was inevitable.


Northumbria Police said Dougal was suspended from his job and an employment hearing would be held in the future.


The crash happened on Denton Road in Scotswood on 19 May.


The court was told that Dougal was reacting to the Volvo's automatic number plate recognition system, which alerted him to a passing car - indicating it could potentially be linked to a crime.


He accelerated to catch up with the Renault Megane and struck Hayley when she stepped into the road.


Dougal said he had not wanted to alert the other driver to his presence by putting on his sirens or blue lights.


But the number plate recognition data was later found to be out of date - the Megane was being lawfully driven by a Czech national.


At the time of the crash, the qualified advanced driver was travelling so fast he had effectively become a passenger in his own car and had surrendered "to physics", an expert witness told the jury.


Retired police inspector and police driving standards expert Gordon Robertson said he "could not imagine" a situation where Dougal should have accelerated to more than 90mph, without activating his blue lights or siren.


The court was shown footage from the in-car video camera, including the moment the teenager was hit by the car and flung out of shot.


Judge David Hodson said: "You will be remanded in custody and you must appreciate that the inevitable outcome of a conviction of an offence of this nature is an immediate sentence of custody."


He added: "I am sure everybody who has sat through this case will be acutely conscious of the grief there has been to the Adamson family."



The jury of eight women and four men took an hour and a half to reach its unanimous verdict.


Dougal was remanded in custody to be sentenced on 1 May.


Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Jim Campbell said: "Northumbria Police fully accepts responsibility for the death of Hayley Adamson and I would like to sincerely apologise to Hayley's family. We all share in their sadness at this terrible loss of a young life.


"The public place their trust in police officers to make judgements and act in a way that does not put them at risk and on this occasion we failed."


Hayley was due to sit the first of her GCSE exams, in English, the day after she was killed.


Her friends began a fundraising campaign to pay for a memorial and launched a "Justice for Hayley" fund.


A youth club was opened last month in her memory.

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They tried their best, but that 90mph coming up over that hill/bend without blue lights or sirens was just too much.



Was interesting to see the difference (using a computer generated car) doing 30mph and then 90 on that same stretch.

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They tried their best, but that 90mph coming up over that hill/bend without blue lights or sirens was just too much.



Was interesting to see the difference (using a computer generated car) doing 30mph and then 90 on that same stretch.

You were wrong. It happens :mellow:

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They tried their best, but that 90mph coming up over that hill/bend without blue lights or sirens was just too much.



Was interesting to see the difference (using a computer generated car) doing 30mph and then 90 on that same stretch.

You were wrong. It happens :mellow:


And very happy about it too. ;)

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