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Chef blows his hands off


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Blumenthal-Style Chef Blows Off His Hands



A German chef has blown off his hands while experimenting with a Heston Blumenthal-style cooking technique.


The man, identified only as Martin E, was working on a recipe involving liquid nitrogen when there was "a huge explosion", according to the Berliner Morgenpost.


One of the 24-year-old's hands was instantly torn off by the force of the blast, while the other was later amputated in hospital.


The explosion happened at his girlfriend's mother's house in Stahnsdorf, near Berlin, where both women escaped without injury.


The chef, a follower of "molecular gastronomy", had disappeared into the bathroom with a bottle of liquid nitrogen.


He reportedly said afterwards he had been trying to fill a gas lighter but his 16-year-old girlfriend said he was attempting to empty the bottle.


The young woman called the emergency services, who decided to airlift the chef to hospital in a helicopter.


Liquid nitrogen is pure nitrogen at a very low temperature, which must be stored in special containers.


Its low boiling point, at -196C, means it can cause frostbite in humans upon contact while it can also generate an explosion if the liquid is vaporised into gas too quickly.


Cooking with liquid nitrogen was made famous by Blumenthal, the celebrity chef known for his scientific approach in the kitchen.


Diners at his restaurant, The Fat Duck in Bray, Berkshire, are treated to a green tea and lime mousse poached at their table in the substance.


Blumenthal also used liquid nitrogen to attempt to break the world record for making ice cream by using it as a coolant.


This poor git makes the chef from the Muppet Show look competent, although anyone copying that tit Blumenthal kind of deserves what's coming to them.

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Blumenthal-Style Chef Blows Off His Hands



A German chef has blown off his hands while experimenting with a Heston Blumenthal-style cooking technique.


The man, identified only as Martin E, was working on a recipe involving liquid nitrogen when there was "a huge explosion", according to the Berliner Morgenpost.


One of the 24-year-old's hands was instantly torn off by the force of the blast, while the other was later amputated in hospital.


The explosion happened at his girlfriend's mother's house in Stahnsdorf, near Berlin, where both women escaped without injury.


The chef, a follower of "molecular gastronomy", had disappeared into the bathroom with a bottle of liquid nitrogen.


He reportedly said afterwards he had been trying to fill a gas lighter but his 16-year-old girlfriend said he was attempting to empty the bottle.


The young woman called the emergency services, who decided to airlift the chef to hospital in a helicopter.


Liquid nitrogen is pure nitrogen at a very low temperature, which must be stored in special containers.


Its low boiling point, at -196C, means it can cause frostbite in humans upon contact while it can also generate an explosion if the liquid is vaporised into gas too quickly.


Cooking with liquid nitrogen was made famous by Blumenthal, the celebrity chef known for his scientific approach in the kitchen.


Diners at his restaurant, The Fat Duck in Bray, Berkshire, are treated to a green tea and lime mousse poached at their table in the substance.


Blumenthal also used liquid nitrogen to attempt to break the world record for making ice cream by using it as a coolant.


This poor git makes the chef from the Muppet Show look competent, although anyone copying that tit Blumenthal kind of deserves what's coming to them.


There's the real story!!

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I think I'd prefer to try his Hind's Head gastropub rather than the Tasting Menu at The Fat Duck.



I've done both and you'd be well advised to do exactly that - it's very good!


I watched Saturday Kitchen and he was making a perfect Black Forest Gateaux.

One layer of the cake was aerated chocolate, which required a hoover, a suit carrier and a tuperware tub to make, for one layer of a 5-6 layered cake, who the fuck is going to do that (apart from handless Germans)...

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