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The General Election


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Seeing as we're being encouraged to start new threads :angry: and in spite of what appears to be genreral apathy and disinterst not only on here but in the country as a whole, the first "big talking point" of the campaign is really fuckin pissing me off.




This increased N.I. contributions thing that theres a lot of of bollocks being talked about.......all these chairman going on about it being a "tax on jobs"


Surely, if a company sees an oppurtunity to advance,expand and develop or gets a huge new order in, the last thing the Chairman says "oh but all the new staff will required will mean increased N.I. contributions on our part, so lets just stay as we are, all that increased profit and turnover just really isnt worth it"


This is the business leaders making Cameron their bitch should he become PM. Its all frankly utter bollocks as far as I can see. But am perfectly willing to be proved wrong :D

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I've always thought that on NI - if a business budget for new staff works out that an extra £500 (don't know the exact figure) tips the balance so that its not worth it then the margins are too tight. I think in general it just means slightly less profit which is understandable but not the end of the world if you are expanding as you say.

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Or it could lead to more work being outsourced abroad.


I wouldn't trust the rest of the Tories' economic policies though, I think the NI rise is something we need to grin and bare.

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