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NJS last won the day on March 6 2021

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About NJS

  • Birthday 03/28/1964

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  1. "Balance the message" because JC had a lot to say about it (not). Fucking religion (or more correctly how cunts use it).
  2. He did say they were both tired after Wednesday. Still strange.
  3. Not a Christmas film but killing time before the match I've stumbled across Airplane on Sky. The food poisoning has just kicked in...
  4. There have been no wars or conflicts since 1945 where "National interest" has been anything other than serving the interests of the establishment and the rich and absolutely fuck all to do with making the world a safer place for the average citizen. So I'm with MF.
  5. Compare that to the extra 3 minutes at anfield 2 seasons ago.
  6. Guess who's sitting next to you?
  7. Cynical assumption evidenced by history.
  8. Deeply unpopular right wing cunt doesn't like vaguely left wing elected government so abolishs democracy with US backing is my take. Played out many times in the last 75 years. Also practice for Trump after the mid-terms.
  9. I finished the first season of Silo - I really liked the double triple counter bluff of what's outside. And Rebecca Ferguson - definitely.
  10. Bloke sent me an email at 17:08 on Friday and then sent a Teams message ar 07:08 this morning aisling if I'd read his email. Well yes cunt I did, but I'm now going to ignore it for at least a day - if you're lucky.
  11. Is it just me who hears "LaCroix" and keeps thinking about Top Secret? "Deja Vu - haven't we met before? "
  12. I've just read she was the one who called out P&O ferries - makes sense now - she marked her own card.
  13. She was vaguely left wing so had to go. Miliband will be next.
  14. The Scousers/Hitler remark was intended to be a bit light hearted but if you want to debate me on the Catholic church being complicity evil over abuse while preaching morality then as the kids would say "Come at me, bruv".
  15. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    John McNamee 83. Swinging from a crossbar somewhere in a good and proper manner.
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