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Oil Spill- at least it doesn't interefere with my holidays

Rob W

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Some estimates say it will end up costing BP 40 billion. Utter fuckin disgrace.


I'd be surprised if they pay that much.


In the 77 days since the spill (11 weeks) it's only cost them $3 billion.




7 days after the explosion first quarter (12 week) profits announced were almost double that - $5.6 billion.




The law suits ain't started yet bro.



The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, yielded $1 billion in restoration and restitution costs, although Exxon Mobil Corp. estimates it has so far spent $3.5 billion and faces an additional $2.5 billion in criminal penalties.


Can't see BP getting hammered for almost 7 times that amount, especially if they manage to pin the blame on Deepwater Horizon.


It's also set up a 20 billion reserve legal fund. This ain't like the exxon thing, the oil has been gushing for weeks and at a massive rate, not sure it still isn't actually. The impact will be massive and ongoing for generations. Plenty of legal action to come. Trust me.


It's going to be gushing into August.


I wish i shared your confidence in corporate responsibility. BP have been turning people's heads with cash offers all over the coast...on condition of waivers being signed on any future pay-out. Lot's of people that have lost their livlihood get offered work assisting in the clean-up, on similar conditions.


Of course, a lot of it's covered by insurance too. The rig owners insured it for $560 million, of which they've already received $401m back to cover their loss of earnings.


Insurers and reinsurers are likely to be have to pay about $1.4 billion in connection with the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, according to the Insurance Information Institute (BestWire, May 5, 2010).


So BP's liability looks like half what's actually been paid out so far.


For all the talk of 40 billion, it's only cost BP £3.8bn so far.




Quarterly profits are £3.6bn.



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some biologist was on the radio


they reckon that some fish species will benefit as there has been no fishing for a couple of months and when they restart no-one will buy fish from the GoM anyway


BP reckon they are $6 Bn in the hole so far but they've cash called Anadarko , one of their partners, for $1 Bn

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  • 4 weeks later...
Breaking news on the BBC:


Explosion on oil rig in Gulf of Mexico, US coastguard says


Wonder if it's one belonging to BP? :jesuswept:


According to Yahoo News, it's owned by a company called Mariner who was/ in the process of being purchased by another company called Apache.




At least nobody died this time...

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