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Lukas Ramsauer

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About Lukas Ramsauer

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  1. Lukas Ramsauer for the win tbh.
  2. I can confirm tomorrow morning that Loerrach:Zeitung will be running a story that Ottmar is interested, he said he has never seen such glorious golf courses in all his life. http://loerrach-zeitung.de/artikelhitz.html Can I say without a shadow of a doubt, you are evil! So which manager do we really want? Who knows maybe Loerrach:Zeitung may be covering a story them being interested and could get some media interest and word over to them.
  3. I can confirm tomorrow morning that Loerrach:Zeitung will be running a story that Ottmar is interested, he said he has never seen such glorious golf courses in all his life. http://loerrach-zeitung.de/artikelhitz.html
  4. I have one for you - "I was once on holiday and this english bloke came into the toilets, felt me up and punched me, its ok though years later i decided to ruin him by stopping his football club getting a top manager"
  5. News of it reaching the Scottish press - http://www.soccer365.com/EUROPEAN_NEWS/Sco...11_118185.shtml
  6. Denial from player on his official website - http://portal.bastian-schweinsteiger.de/in...id=222&Itemid=2
  7. The story making the German tabloids http://www.sport1.de/coremedia/generator/w...iger_20mel.html
  8. Following on from Loerrach-Zeitungs latest exclusive news story that Bayern Munich and German international midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger was said to be interesting Scottish team Glasgow Rangers it seems that word spreads fast on the world of the internet. The story reached the German tabloids within a day or so and has since resulted in a denial from the player himself and today has made the Scottish press. The original story - http://www.loerrach-zeitung.de/artikelbast.html Translated - While a transfer of Podolski to FC Bayern looks imminent, it looks likely that Poldi will miss out his chum and international colleague Schweinsteiger. Nothing has come out officially yet, but it is rumoured that Schweinsteiger's agent was held talks in Glasgow. There the Frenchmen Le Guen has been put in charge of Glasgow Rangers and got the task to build a competitve squad after the current disappointing season. It looks like Schweinsteiger wants to flee from Munich because of the press reports and investigations about match fixing allegations. He not only fell out with the press but also his relationship with the manager Felix Magath is tense. Magath had criticized his unprofessional living style before. And despite of good performances both in the club shirt as well with the national team he is still nothing more than a fringe player. Now Schweinsteiger looks set for a new start outside of Germany.
  9. Does anyone have her e-mail address?
  10. Funnily enough, so did I.
  11. Wir vermissen Sie gol! Newcastle Felsen!!!
  12. Ich bin nicht ein wirklicher Reporter für die lokale Zeitung Loerrach-Zeitung. Nun da meine Freunde TATSACHE!! ist!
  13. A hoax, i cannot believe it. The people of Loerrach are going to be so disappointed.
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