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Holden McGroin

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Holden McGroin last won the day on March 11

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About Holden McGroin

  • Birthday 12/10/1979

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    darn sarf

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Why are all the songs in French? So disrespectful.
  2. Aye. There are no rules anymore. I treat it like any other cold etc now. I don’t even bother testing.
  3. Tino seems pretty injury prone as well but I suspect Krafu will suffice.
  4. There aren’t many transfers going around in general at the moment. I wonder if PL clubs are keeping their powder dry this summer.
  5. Aye. I think we also risked players in certain games which was down to a threadbare squad. The fitness/drilled way Eddie plays would mean he’d have to evolve if he wanted to win a tournament with England. We’ve struggled when playing 3 games in a week. He’d have to utilise more possession based approach. I think he is smart enough to do it though.
  6. He saw aliens once. Subsequently he went on an Alien conspiracy theory show travelling around the USA.
  7. Out injured again. He has had a small procedure on his back. Unsure whether he’ll be fit got start of season.
  8. It seems other clubs lower their price when a PL club isn’t involved.
  9. I used to love Andy Carroll in his first spell with us but I was rooting for him to completely FAIL at Liverpool
  10. Why would he wear that to Newcastle Airport? Ah sorry, its not Newcastle its Ponteeeland Marra.
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