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Andrew last won the day on October 3 2019

Andrew had the most liked content!

About Andrew

  • Birthday 02/14/1989

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  • Location
    Christchurch, NZ

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Some of the line ups on show in the earlier goals
  2. Theres one or two of these every year and its always the same story.
  3. To wellington? Aye a couple of times. Lovely city to spend a few days in, though flying in is awful by all accounts, windy as fuck. Some great food, the weta workshop, Te Papa museum with the Gallipoli exhibit is one of the most incredible things Ive ever seen.
  4. We've got tories in government. No surprise they've managed to fuck this up
  5. Also lets not quote the spam links please.
  6. On the plus side, the site does seem to be running quicker.
  7. That was dreadful from Kelly. We are better than this west ham team though, still winnable.
  8. If I could crash this place and get an insurance payout I would.
  9. The new member topic thing isnt a standard invision feature, so unfortunately its not a plug and play solution. New signups themselves aren't causing the slowdown, but if you look on the main page, down the bottom you can see our "most users ever online" peaked at 1500ish a few days ago. We're essentially getting lightly DDOSd. We currently have 650ish online, earlier today it was over 1000. I do think that an invision upgrade will help to fix this, but the licence is pricey and we are currently saving up patreon money for it.
  10. I believe the slowdown is coming from a SHIT LOAD of "members" trying to access the site, I assume a load of bots. We've had registrations turned off to try to ride out the chinese bot wave but this might require a little tweaking. I'll do some experimenting over the next few days but be warned this might result in us seeing those bot posts again.
  11. There is! You can try being less easily annoyed. It might be good for you
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