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Everything posted by essembeeofsunderland

  1. Apart from Wilson,Dubravka and The Saint,I see nowt but numerous deficiencies in every other other player.
  2. Will enough quality players with the hunger to win a relegation battle sign for us In January?
  3. You know I’m not judging him since Howe arrived so why ask? He had a decent first half in his last game and he’s ran around in the first half of this game.He’s being paid what a £40m player is expected to be paid so money had to be taken into account.
  4. Fortunately,they’ve no interest in getting crosses into the box.Can TOT switch on for another 45 mins? He’s never been put under pressure so far.BUJ7 receiving praise for running around.Justifying his £40m price tag.
  5. Predictable,now if that had happened at the other end at least three Arsenal players would have gone down
  6. TOT,Ritchie and Wilson are all one booking away from a one game suspension,unless they go the next 7 games without picking up a yellow card. We could see Lewis The Coward,TOT and BUJ7 all starting against Norwich.
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