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Dr Gloom

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Dr Gloom last won the day on July 8

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About Dr Gloom

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    The Big Smurk

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  1. i know what you mean but i wouldn't turn my nose up at madueke - highly rated, and an obvious upgrade on miggy
  2. The season can’t start soon enough can it? Fucking hell
  3. covid is over @Renton - no body gives a shit if you catch it anymore, no one else is isolating if they catch it, most people aren't even testing. enjoy your holiday and cross your fingers it's a mild case
  4. he'll be missed - a great servant, but he's getting on and we have a superb replacement. trips helped kickstart the revolution and deserves massive respect from us - he's been one of the greatest leaders i can remember seeing at newcastle. as important for this transformation of newcastle as killer kilcline was at the start of keegan's reign
  5. this, i agree with. and so tghe cycle of hate and vengence continues - on both sides. it's fucking hopeless
  6. how could he call for a ceasefire from the start? hamas invaded israel and launced an unprecedented attack on israeli citizens. there isn't a country in the world that wouldn't have struck back. i don't see how the leader of the free world could have told israel to stop its offensive immediately after october 7th. the prolonged attack on gaza has been absolutely horrendous. there needs to be a ceasefire but i honestly don't know how it happens - the coalition of nationalist nutters propping up netanyahu don't care how many innocent gazans are slaughtered until hamas is wiped out.
  7. dropping responsibilities, the rejection of social norms, laws, standards - that kind of thing
  8. i'm going to a tiny festival in wales this weekend. activating full gremlin mode for 48 hours. doubt i'll get much sleep tonight i'm so excited. nothing beats dipping out of reality for a weekend
  9. problem with getting rid of wilson is you then need to get two strikers in - not cheap. the gamble wih relying on two strikers backfired last season. unless we sell wilson, get someone for right wing, such as mbuemo, who can also cover at CF, plus a young reserve striker for a smaller transfer fee
  10. Railways to be renationalised 👏
  11. lot of the twaterati are saying howe to england then poch to us, given his links with our new dof
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