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Posts posted by Rayvin

  1. So, online courses. Recognised or not? I'll fail anyway, they keep setting me a number of words target for my answers that I'm just ignoring. 500 requested 270 submitted in my latest. Maybe it's because I'm so articulate that I can use one word for things they need five for.


    I would take it into consideration personally and it would certainly make your application for a position more attractive. Any manager would be stupid not to take these things into consideration.


    For an internal position though, you've got to also factor in office politics and your general ability at your job. For instance, what do you do now, and what are you hoping to be promoted into?


    But was it actually negative or is it just another case of a Corbyn fan getting outraged anytime anyone dares criticise him? Given that he is the story of the campaign I don't think it's a surprise that they aired a documentary about him and can't see a problem in that itself.


    Surely you've got to question the timing on this one - they could have waited a week until the election was confirmed. This is the BBC playing fast and loose with impartiality.

  3. If this Roman senator, Bigus Dickus came back from the dead, and played football, and signed for us, and came on as a substitute, and if he scored a goal, would you laugh? I wouldn't. I would scream, 'Get in Biggus Dickus!' Then I would turn to person next to me and scream over the crowd, 'That's what she said!' Because I'm humorous af.


    :lol: The mental image of that...

  4. Can someone answer something on all of this for me - why is this all just happening now? Have I missed some kind of major event that's kicked all of this off, or were the press just bored a couple of weeks ago and decided to make a story out of something that's been going on for years?

  5. On that note, what do people think about Yvette Cooper? Been impressed with her over the last week or so.


    She gendered the debate way too early and lost my attention pretty much as soon as she did. It didn't help either that she'd not come up with any solid policies by the time I actually voted. Before it all started she was the one I was going to vote for, but she's made such a general fuck up of her campaign that I lost faith and stopped listening.

  6. Let me get this right, I<3DC has been away from these boards for a bout 6 months and turns up again because he thinks Borini is that impressive a capture, it's worth gloating about. Fuck off man. You've signed a guy who couldn't get a game ahead of Balotelli last year.


    This might actually be the most depressing chain of posts I've seen him make. Trying to find joy in absolutely fuck all. It's like the problem Sunderland has on a citywide scale, personified in a single knacker.

  7. Being fair though, he did get 7 goals that season he was on loan with them. Hugely impressive number. To put it into context, when Shola was the same age playing for us, he also managed 7 goals in 25 games (26 to be exact) when he was the same age (as Borini was two years ago).


    They've spent £10m on their own version of Shola.

  8. Hugely underwhelming. They've now spent three transfer windows chasing a player who spent the entire of last season warming a bench at a team that's only about 10 places better than they are.


    Good for them if they're happy about it, I guess...

  9. I'm fairly happy with the transfer business we've done, but we've not really seen them play properly yet. It's been mostly backs to the wall kind of shit (largely due to being reduced to 10 men yesterday).


    We aren't going to set the league alight this year, that's for sure. But we're not going to end up in that utter clusterfuck that happened last year either.


    I'd take a left back at this point, but I think we're well stocked in strikers between Mitro, Perez and Cisse (and some of the forgotten...).


    Maybe Mitro and Cisse can take turns being suspended.

  10. The point is, if you put a player in that position who has no malicious intent, he doesn't end up with his studs planted in the kid's shin. You're talking shite if you're genuinely trying to say that that was just a mis-timed tackle and nothing more.


    He'll have gone in to 'let him know he's there' or some such bollocks. Old school stuff.


    Problem is, we're now going to have every club we play against trying to get him sent off. Can he handle that?

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