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Posts posted by Rayvin

  1. What I don't understand about this pride in losing business is this. If we lost to Tottenham or Arsenal, who in my view have better squads than Benfica, and who are certainly infinitely richer, would you go home thinking, fuck me I was so proud of that? We played a tactical game first half with what we had, but we also played like rabbits in the headlights. We played against a side who Celtic put out of the Champions League and with a baying crowd (although no where near our European crowds of a decade ago) couldn't really muster one meaningful shot in the first hour. Well people can be as proud as they like, but I'll never be proud of losing to a team who make £30m a year less money than us, who we should've put out of the tie in the first half in Lisbon.


    You can look at the details like our injury problems, but statements like "they're unbeaten since October". What? In the Portuguese League? So fuckin what? I repeat they're a canny side but CELTIC put them out of the Champions League. The day I'm proud of defeat where we only had a go for 25 minutes against a club we should consider no more than our equals is a day, I'll stop watching NUFC. It's modern life. People see we're in the Europa League QF, eeeh haven't we done well. It epitomises for me the ever increasing small time mentality of our fans that this is a major achievement. In the last 10 years Celtic, Rangers, Fulham and Middlesbrough have got to the FINAL of this competition, yet our fans are proud we made it to the last eight having faced ONE decent side to get there. Well I'm not proud. They can fuck off. We didn't under achieve, we didn't overachieve, we did what I expected and for that they deserve no undue praise.


    I agree with this, Benfica are about our level even with our injuries - meaning that full strength we're likely to be a better side.


    Also not particularly proud about getting to the QF. Or about losing on aggregate. What I am pleased with, is that Pardew made a decent fist of getting us through tonight (and I maintain tactically, did everything right), and that he has managed to accomplish something in the past couple of seasons that the previous 5 or 6 (I forget, but since Bobby) managers have been unable to do.


    In my mind, this suggests that we are making progress as a club, and have finally halted the startling downward trend. Next year we can consolidate and shoot up the league - and the Europa run might be enough to attract a few more good players.

  2. He has made us the team that is scared and scraps for injury time winners.


    Not the type of football I want to pay to watch or Im sure the likes of Cabaye, Cisse etc want to play week in, week out.


    Expect a players revolt once the season is over.


    Fair enough if you don't like the style, but I don't think it was different last season. We weren't blowing teams away, just comfortably doing the business and moving on. There was a period where we won 5 games in a row 2-0, I'm sure of it. That looks like a tactical plan to me.


    I also really doubt they'd revolt - Cisse jumping into the crowd last week, the whole team being buoyed by the fans tonight - it almost feels like we genuinely are all in this together. Pardew has done a good job of bringing the fans into the experience as much as he can. Again, more tactical ability - using the resources at his disposal well.


    I guess we'll agree to disagree; I enjoyed our campaign. I'm disappointed but am looking forward to what we can achieve next year.

  3. Fighting relegation wins your trust?


    We let them have the ball and play football first half and could easily have been two goals down by half time.


    Don't be such a sheep and fall for the shit dished up by J69 and co.


    Keegan would have had this squad fighting for Europe and would have sent a team out tonight to win, not defend for 70 mins and then get caught on the break.


    Yep, cos we won every European cup on offer under Keegan. Couldn't move for the things.


    Pardew has a different strategy to Keegan, last year it got us 5th. This year we were hit by injuries and board incompetence. We'd surely have been good for another 10-15 points had we bolstered over the summer.

  4. Bang on form at last. He's always going to be offside, we can't change that, but his movement is world class. 2 goals, 2 disallowed goals and 2 off the post in 180mins against one if the bet teams in Europe. Hope he fucking mullers the Mackems centre halves


    Agreed, he looks back to being the business again. Relief.

  5. For what it's worth I think Pards got it spot on, apart from Shola coming on. Think I might have tried Cambell, if we'd been more attacking earlier on though they'd have nicked a couple more goals on the break. Player-wise I find Cissé our most frustrating player with the amount of offsides he has.


    Shola got the assist for our goal though and played well I thought. A rarity I know, but he looked up for it.

  6. He's been a negative manager all season man!


    If it wasn't for injury time goals we'd be down already!


    Maybe so, but we're talking about just this game. Look, your opinion's fair enough - I get that his tactics aren't what you want to see. I'm reassured myself, it seemed like we had a plan at least, and one that nearly came off. He utilised the team and the mindset of the opponent well IMO.

  7. Usual know it alls think they know best and will once again defend Pardew.


    Shit tactics of waiting til last 20 before playing our best team.


    Shite manager who would have us relegated if not for the very lucky injury time goals this season.


    Scared football. No thanks.


    Sorry but I totally disagree. We would have been overstretched and the effect would have been minimised had Ben Arfa and Marveaux played in the first half. We had to take the first half out of the game in order to minimise the amount of time we had to hold on to any lead, because, as everyone said, Benfica had a goal in them. The only thing that prevented them trying us earlier was that they didn't need to.


    I think Pardew really knows what he's about.

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