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Posts posted by Asprilla

  1. 2 minutes ago, Isegrim said:

    Yet you are talking about the problem of immigration in context of people fleeing a war.

    No you just need to have basic checks rather than open up your borders to everyone.


    Or do you think you shouldn’t check?

  2. 1 minute ago, Renton said:


    Asprilla is now backing Putin by using the good old Ukrainian neo-nazi meme (i.e. lie) I see. Honestly, up to you, but why you want to converse with this guy is beyond me.  


    You’re a fantasist.


    Are you going to try and argue that there aren’t far right factions in Ukraine?






  3. 2 minutes ago, Isegrim said:

    Fleeing a war has fuck all to do with immigration. But the stupid mix up of seeking asylum and immigration has been a common right wing mix up for a couple of years.

    I know the difference perfectly well.

  4. 1 minute ago, Rayvin said:


    I mean we're talking about refugees rather than immigrants of course, which I do appreciate you know - but I'm not sure where this great fear of the Ukrainian far right is on the right leaning side of politics? Wouldn't the true nazis stay and fight for their country? Also we're talking at absolute best about less than 300,000 people in the whole of Ukraine who even voted for a far right party, let alone joined one. To put that into context, we had over half a million voting for the BNP back in 2010. If we were being invaded, would you think it reasonable that 60m British people were denied refuge on the basis of 500k twats voting for a nazi party?


    I would take men, women and children as well, frankly - although I assume since many men have been conscripted, it's not weighted in their favour anyway.


    Those points aside, would you agree that we are being deliberately obstructive and failing to live up to what we are saying, if we are indeed being deliberately obstructive just because we don't really want to take these people in?


    Irrespective of whether they're nazis, whether they're desperate or not, our policy isn't discriminating on any of those bases -it is simply difficult to complete, and therefore an active barrier. That's how it looks to me. We just don't want them because they're foreign. They're different. Surely you would agree that if this is true, it is a deplorable stance?

    I honestly don’t know. We have been a fairly easy place to migrate to whether as economic migrants or refugees so it does appear odd to be making things difficult now.


    I’m not saying it’s a big problem by the way about far right Ukrainians more that any immigration should be done carefully.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Rayvin said:

    In the interests of absolute balance, yes, I do agree we would have to know how many are trying to enter before we can fully judge it. Would you at least agree that if we're talking tens of thousands of people are trying, then we are being deliberately obstructive?

    Immigration has become a total shit show of a topic and it’s difficult to have any opinion socially other than all immigration is good and there’s no amount that is too many.


    I don’t know the numbers wanting to come in. I do know that personally I hope we are giving shelter to people who need it.


    But Ukraine is not Hampstead and there will be a lot of what we would deem extreme far right sentiment in a lot of those people.


    Do we want those people too?


    Women and children clearly take priority but it’s not as easy as just saying any amount of unvetted people can come.

  6. 5 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:


    1. "Why are you judging me by what I say?"


    2. Deflection 


    3. Insult


    4. Irrelevant to the point under discussion 


    5. Repetition of something unprovable but very likely bollocks given this government's immigration  policy 



    0/5 mate.  You're not very good at this are you? 

    I just responded with the same tone as your post.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Rayvin said:

    Asprilla, can we not surely all agree that taking 50 people is a pretty pathetic response? Either we should be honest and say we don't want any, or be genuine and take a real number. Don't sit there talking the talk and then do everything possible to prevent anyone coming in.


    As per the other posts people have made, we are clearly being obstructive.

    We should take as many as possible but refugees are usually people who want to return home (as opposed to economic migrants who these people clearly aren’t).


    Being in Britain isn’t necessarily where they want to be.

  8. 7 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:


    Ireland have taken 1800. Would you like me to post a map of where that is in Europe? 


    If you voted for Brexit, this is precisely what you voted for. Priti Patel now controls our borders 

    Why do you find other views so challenging?


    “If you voted Labour in 1997 you voted for the Iraq war.”


    it’s inane 


    How much military support is Ireland providing?


    I said in the very first sentence we should take more refugees and I’m sure we will.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Isegrim said:


    Not saying we shouldn’t be taking more but these are obviously the closest countries and presumably most Ukrainians will want to return home as soon as it’s safe.


    “Other EU” isn’t a very big number either.




  10. 3 minutes ago, Rayvin said:


    I see that side tbh but I'm always brought back down to earth a bit on imagining Russian competence when I think about how widespread corruption is there. Corruption breeds incompetence, in the end. And Putin, for all his history, has surrounded himself with inferior men - because, I suspect, it's the only way he holds onto power.


    I do think he is playing a game we haven't gotten our heads fully around yet, in terms of misinformation and sowing division in the West... but I also think that was supposed to render us inert at this point. And it hasn't. So I think he's miscalculated and assumed we were entirely broken when we were just in fact wounded. Brexit, Trump, everyone's strong views on these issues... none of that changes the reality that we still all basically agree on freedom and Western liberal democracy.


    I actually think he may well have undone a lot of his well poisoning. Not all, but some.

    i hope you’re right (and you very well may be)

  11. 5 minutes ago, Rayvin said:


    Russia seems to be saying it's the former. That post Tom made the other day referenced a statement that I believe was from the Kremlin outlining how Putin had taken on a 'historic duty' to solve the Ukraine problem once and for all, so that future generations didn't have to. That honestly sounds like a legacy consideration to me.


    I don't think fucking over Europe has legs beyond the next 10 years anyway - we'll be increasingly on renewables by that point anyway, based on this. The less dependency we have on them, the less power they have over us. I don't see how cutting us off there helps them longer term.

    I always think he must be good at this by now though…(!)


    Think of what Johnson/Biden/Macron etc have spent the last 20-30 years doing and then think of what Putin has been doing.


    He should be eating them for breakfast tactically.


    it seems so unlikely that he’d just charge into this seemingly unprepared


    of course it’s possible, just seems odd to me

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, PaddockLad said:


    Hope everything went as OK as it could do mate.


    I share your fears, to stop Putin Ukraine will need to be partitioned in some way at the very least. Then the West need to somehow take him out. At the moment he's banking on NATO being too scared to confront him.  There has to be another way though...

    Surely if the west does it then all hell breaks loose?

  13. 16 minutes ago, Tom said:

    Take some refugees 

    I agree that we should and I’m sure we will


    She was talking about no fly zones… is that to allow people to escape? I maybe wrongly assumed that it was to shoot down any Russian air attacks

  14. 8 minutes ago, Tom said:

    Fucking hell I remember being a young kid and getting a dressing down like that by teacher it seldom happens to adults, let alone statesmen.


    Depressing that this is what the UK has come to

    What can he do without escalating everything?

  15. 13 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:


    when you say


    I have never seen a less enthusiastically backed candidate than Joe Biden and yet he supposedly gained more votes than Obama who was arguably the most popular candidate of our lifetimes.


    you implied the election was rigged. 


    i'm out too. 

    I’m saying it’s possible.


    I’m out too, there are far bigger issues going on which I think we can probably all agree on.

  16. 18 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:


    You're willing to take everything Trump said and did at face value though so its probably just a matter of time tbh :cuppa:

    No, I’m not I just don’t believe he was as bad as he was portrayed.

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