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Posts posted by Asprilla

  1. 31 minutes ago, Isegrim said:

    So you do believe in the big lie as well. The number of votes casted did increase because a lot voters on both sides felt the urge to vote. The majority of anti-trumpers would have voted for any candidate presented by the democrats. They could have nominated Moe from the Simpsons and he would have got at least the equal number of votes as Obama.

    There has been absolutely no credible evidence of voter fraud including the shenanigans in Arizona.

    So if the investigation into Boris Johnson breaking Covid law comes back with a no wrongdoings verdict you’ll be happy?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Craig said:


    Asprilla is either trying to be a contrary WUM or he is succinctly displaying his lack of political nous. I suspect it's both.


    Just arguing the point that Trump has a negative reputation way out of proportion to his actions.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Gemmill said:


    Oh here we go, so you think Trump won the election then.


    I mean, I'm out. I'm not going to engage with QAnon conspiracy theories and the Big Lie. 


    But just to be clear, Biden didn't inspire all those votes for him, Trump inspired the votes against him. Because, and I cannot stress this enough, he was absolutely fucking terrible at being President. 

    I don’t believe in QAnon.

  4. 4 minutes ago, ewerk said:

    Absolutely nothing. I don’t believe there was any National desire to ‘reclaim’ Ukraine. It’s simply all about one man. The similarities between Putin and the Trump’s traits outlined by Gemmill above are clear.

    Except Trump never once spoke about expanding US territory.

    Ultimately all it shows us that once someone is in charge of a superpower they can hold the world to ransom.


    For me, Bush Jr has far more to answer for than Trump ever will.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

    The thing with Trump is, everything he did/didn't do during his presidency can be viewed, and was based, entirely on "what does this do for me personally?". 


    There were no military interventions because it was of no benefit to him personally. He was however more than happy to stoke violence against his detractors in his own country, and give words of support to those acting violently on his behalf. See also tax cuts for the incredibly wealthy, appointing stooges at the DoJ, the list is fucking endless. 


    We haven't seen any previous presidents try to fraudulently overthrow an election either btw. 

    If he didn't do some of the stuff we've seen from presidents in the past, this wasn't because he's a great man, it's because he couldn't see what was in it for him.

    Thatcher used a war to “benefit” her standing and you could argue that Blair did too. Trump didn’t and it’s an odd point to argue that he would have when clearly he could have.

    I have never seen a less enthusiastically backed candidate than Joe Biden and yet he supposedly gained more votes than Obama who was arguably the most popular candidate of our lifetimes.


  6. 1 minute ago, Dr Gloom said:


    You won’t find many cheerleaders for US interventions in Iraq or Afghanistan on here. But like it or not, they are the world’s police. The problem when the US retreats from tne global stage is it leaves a void and emboldens autocrats. 



    I do get that.


    But there are only really two main countries that are looking to push the boundaries, and they’re Russia and China and both have nukes.


    China wants Taiwan and I don’t really see ultimately what can be done about defending it.


    How this situation ends in Ukraine will have an impact on any future ambitions for expansion by these countries.


    The world is watching and so are big corporations. It’s likely naive because you also have to account for crazy leader syndrome but at this point what does Russia stand to gain?



  7. 14 minutes ago, Isegrim said:

    That’s from the “Hitler wasn’t all bad. He gave people jobs and built some Autobahnen” school of sorts.


    It’s not just about policies but the ideology behind does matter a lot.

    Is this in reference to my post?

  8. 7 hours ago, Rayvin said:


    I mean yeah it is, until or unless the EU finally takes over on that front. But we were talking about Trump resisting NATO and I'm saying it was problematic that he did because it shook the foundations of the US' own empire. They've built the whole thing around internationalism, and if they start stepping back it's going to be chaos - as we're now seeing. Trump dulled America's edge (intentionally, because his philosophical position is that the US should be isolationist - I disagree with him but I do at least respect that as an honest view), and that's prompted Putin to try his luck IMO. The US shrank back under Trump and we're going to be seeing the consequences of it either until it reasserts itself, or until it fades altogether.


    Such a decline, to be fair, would have happened with or without Trump. I do think he accelerated it though.


    As for least aggressive, please do remember that he carried out a strike on an Iranian general and almost kicked off his own war by accident :lol: 

    He realised correctly that the US has been pissing away resources on insane wars for decades.


    You say isolationist like it’s only ever a bad thing. He was against outsourcing jobs (which I agree with) and moved towards energy independence. He wanted a strong military to defend against attack but not as a way to intervene all over the world.


    Again, I get why people don’t like him but those aims seem much more sane to me than the previous 20+ years of American foreign policy.



  9. 46 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

    Toontastic might have to invade France if this FUCKING. SHIT. continues. 

    You’d all be nice as pie except that psycho KCG. You’d then realise that it’s not so bad knowing someone with such a well stocked drinks cupboard.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:


    You missed out the bit about a grown man acting like a fucking bairn because he’s red-pilled and decided we Lefties should hear about it. 

    I’m literally just disagreeing with you a bit on some small issues in the scheme of things

    Let’s be grateful we’re not getting shot at.


    I completely ignored your waaay adult lie about my wife leaving me. :lol:




  11. 1 minute ago, ewerk said:

    My point is it’s a pittance to the US and shows that Trump was full of shite using a minor issue to fool the hard of thinking such as yourself.

    So you should let countries not meet their legal obligations if it’s only $150m?

  12. 14 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

    He sent us a message saying he didn’t have much else in his life since his Mrs. did one, and could he come back, pretty please.
    So we caved.

    For now. 


    It’s always interesting when life gives us unexpected lessons.


    Witnessing the cries of corruption, impropriety and immoral

    behaviour of our current government while enjoying our newfound wealth at the hands of the Saudis.


    And discussing the evils of censorship and mad dictators while trying to get people banned.


    It’s truly a marvel.


  13. 1 hour ago, PaddockLad said:


    He heads a white collar crime syndicate. His links via his first attorney Roy Cohn to New York crime families in the 70s and 80s are well documented. That empire built Trump tower and his casinos. When that empire crashed and left him bankrupt he went to Russia and helped to launder billions of dollars in US  property deals and real estate for Russians who stole all the Russian peoples' money in the early 90s. His reality TV show gave him a public profile that appealed to a certain constituency which led to him running for president.  Which led rise to the title of this book, which explains it all...



    I’ll have a read 👍🏼

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