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Posts posted by Asprilla

  1. 1 hour ago, Rayvin said:


    I think this is to misunderstand the US and Trump to an extent. Yes, the US doesn't need to be militarily supporting countries all over the world - it does so as part of a soft power initiative to tie these states to the US in terms of culture. And it has been very successful with this. And has benefited hugely in terms of being the sole global superpower with all the benefits that come with that.


    Trump is an isolationist and didn't care for the internationalist vision of the US that it had spend decades cultivating - so he saw no value in this soft power. Thus, for him it just came down to collective security - but make no mistake, the US reaps many benefits outside of that for being the global policeman. We are all, in effect, living in an American empire.

    Of the choices on offer, an American empire is the best though.


    Also Trump was the least aggressive president I can remember militarily.



  2. 4 minutes ago, Isegrim said:

    Are you comparing the EU to the Soviet Union and the repatriation of Ukraine to Brexit?


    This is just utter nonsense even by your weird standard.

    No, just a wry observation.



    I bet there isn’t a German word for wry btw :lol:

  3. 8 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:


    I think that's what you want to beleive tbh. You can say "he did this, he did that" till the cows come home. The fact that he's a gangster seems to pass people like you by, but your perfectly willing to annhilate Biden and the Clinton's for alllgedly doing the same things. For which you don't appear to have any evidence for in the first place. 

    How is he a gangster?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:


    well, he stated the obvious on nato contributions, yes. i fail to see how this makes him a better president than we think.  



    When you see him talking from a podium it’s a cringe fest. But in a room he is personable and (in my view) usually accurate in his assessment of most issues.


    For my money anyway.

  5. Just now, Dr Gloom said:


    they're a free, democratic country on europe's border, which wants closer ties with the west, but which has been invaded by an autocrat. it would be weird if we weren't on their side 

    I agree… just pointing out that’s it’s a “funny” reversal.

  6. Just now, Dr Gloom said:


    well that's fine, and of course you're entitled to your opinion, but that video you posted does nothing to suggest that is the case. 


    trump, like putin, doesn't like the EU or Nato, and did what he could to divide both institutions 

    I think he rightly points out that America contributes proportionately more to an entity that is of potentially far more benefit to others than to the US itself.



  7. 34 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:


    That's a really interesting video. It doesn't however prove or disprove a thing. What Trump says in public is one thing, the fact that he's the leader of an international crime syndicate intrinsically linked to Russia is entirely another... 


    I’m not fussed if people have a completely different take on things, I just think Trump was a better president than he was given credit for.



  8. 50 minutes ago, Toonpack said:

    Brexit and Trumpism were both Russian strategies and financed as such. 

    We will be much poorer for it, and as a function of that our military capability will diminish (and is diminishing already - RAF as an example, is half the size it was 10/12 years ago).


    The organisation we left is getting more powerful whilst we shrink, but it’s all good 🙄



  9. 15 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:


    That goes world wide & encompasses Trump & the GOP, Brexit and its chief protagonists in the UK and its useful idiot still in number 10....the world is riven with bad actors and kleptocratic dictators  stealing mostly public money and laundering it . If Russia is seriously weakened after all this that doesn't change...

    The Democrats are easily as corrupt

  10. 17 minutes ago, Rayvin said:


    Just look at how we've been sidelined man, you can see it even in the few days that have gone past here. We were begging and pleading with Germany for several days to take command of the situation rather than being able to do it ourselves.


    This whole situation is a wake up call for ever closer unity for Western democracies. Ukraine will likely join the EU after this due to collective security and prosperity that it offers. Frankly, I now think even we're probably more likely to rejoin than we were a few days ago, given what we've witnessed. Why wouldn't we want to stand shoulder to shoulder in the firmest possible terms with people who think and live like we do?

    If this whole shit show has shown us anything it’s that time and life are not a god given right. I’m not getting into a big debate over this but cordially as one of the people I enjoy chatting to here I’m happy to disagree.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Rayvin said:

    I do feel that this is exactly the sort of crisis that the EU would have looked to the UK to lead on, in the past. Germany has clearly been reluctant stepping into that role.


    Why we've chosen oblivion over a leading role in an emerging super power, I don't know.

    This is what amuses me about the “still European” bleating from Remainers.


    Yes, we’ll always be European cause that’s where we are on the map.


    Brexit doesn’t change our geographical or military reality.

  12. 2 hours ago, Toonpack said:

    Just as we bailed out 🙄 the organisation we have outrageously derided and belittled morphs into an apparently cohesive super-power. Thanks to our government paymaster Putin.



    What difference has Brexit made to this? The UK has been on the same page as the EU apart from Germany’s initial reluctance

  13. 7 minutes ago, ewerk said:

    I obviously know fuck all about warfare but this doesn't seem to be going all that well for Russia. The invasion appears to have been pretty slow. We haven't seen the shock and awe tactics that I thought they would implement.


    So far the Ukranians appear to have being holding up pretty well. Their morale seems to have been boosted by their relative success thus far and they know that more hardware and assistance is coming from abroad. Meanwhile Russia is in a state of panic. Nearly totally isolated from the outside world with severe hardships about to be felt by their people.


    So we've avoided WW3 but have brought in the harshest sanctions while avoiding direct military intervention. It couldn't have gone much better to this point from a Western POV.

    It ain’t over till it’s over though 

  14. 1 hour ago, Meenzer said:


    Still Wogan. 2009 is Norton's first, in Moscow funnily enough. Maybe Wogan knocked it on the head out of concern that he'd have to be on the vodka in the commentary box all night instead of his preferred Baileys, bless his boozy cotton socks.

    I must admit other than a few random Eurovision parties my interest slowly waned after our 1981 heyday🕺🏼💃🏼💃🏻🕺🏼but if I ever did catch it Wogan was phenomenal at getting the right balance of reverence and irreverence. Although you couldn’t ask for a better replacement (if that’s the right word) than GN.




  15. 5 minutes ago, Meenzer said:


    That's genuinely what we've called them* in this house ever since Eurovision 2005 when one of the hosts made a big point of pronouncing it "Kyyyy-yyyyiiiiiiiv" every time he said it, like he was a boxing announcer or something. :D  



    (* not the "darling" part, I should add)




    Btw, was 2005 still Wogan era or was it Graham Norton by then?

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