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Posts posted by Asprilla

  1. 1 minute ago, Renton said:




    You asked "Is NATO ineffective?" which I assumed was a rhetorical question implying it isn't. Otherwise its a question a 5 year old wouldn't need to ask.


    Toonpack has answered your question about troops. NATO is an alliance, it's not hard to grasp.

    Why the need to be all superior about it?


    Asking questions is how people learn things they don’t know!


    I’m not trying to provoke you either, just saying

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Alex said:

    Come on, I’ll make it easy for you. Who are the other MPs Mourdant was referring to? What was the combined amount they received in donations between the start of the pandemic (say February 2020) and that day in Parliament? What did Rayner receive in the same period? And, based on those figures, is the accusation made by Mourdant true? 

    my only claim was that I’d heard she was no stranger to getting her snout in the trough


    I then posted the video where I’d heard it


    I wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised if Boris Johnson has a worse record but I never claimed that he wasn’t getting his snout in too.



    Here’s a link to her disclosures





    nearly £450,000 for that time period by my reckoning



    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, ewerk said:

    The onus is on the person making the accusation to prove it.

    You’d think if it wasn’t true it wouldn’t be too hard to find some pushback.


    I just said I’d heard she was a bit troughtastic and posted where I’d heard it

  4. 3 hours ago, Howmanheyman said:

    What you heard, mate? 


    2 hours ago, Monkeys Fist said:

    Aye, please elaborate on the gravy train? 

    this video… yes it’s posted by the Daily Mail so trigger warnings if anyone needs them


    make of it what you will





    obviously not condoning snouts in troughs by anyone and certainly not claiming that the tories don’t do it

  5. 4 hours ago, wykikitoon said:

    What's people's thoughts on Rayner? My friends last night were saying how amazing she is because she came from a council estate and has no formal qualifications. Does that make her a great politician? 

    I can see why people want more diversity in government so to that extent I’m all for it. As to whether she’s any good I don’t know, although she’s got the gravy train angle going pretty good from what I’ve heard.


    she’s also a grandma 😳

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