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Posts posted by Ken

  1. 21 hours ago, Dr Gloom said:

    must be pretty annoying as an aussie fan to lose the best batter in the world for a year. still hard to argue that the punishment didn't fit the crime. sandpaper ffs  - how did they reckon they'd get away with that? 

    penny for @Ken's thoughts

    They deserve the punishment. Warner is a cunt, he should never play for Australia again. Smith is stupid for thinking he'd get away with it. There's no hiding anywhere on the field. WTF was he thinking?!?


    The backlash has been hard. Being captain of the Australian cricket team is the 2nd most important position to hold behind the PM etc etc. So on and so on...


    The fact Smith had no idea that the ramifications of his actions that were caused in that post-match press conference hadn't hit home outraged me personally. Immature. Not worthy.


    Having said that, Smith is a rabble now. This has become a mental health issue.

  2. On 2/8/2018 at 03:28, David Kelly said:

    Maxwell should have been given out today, even your commentators said so.  Despite playing poorly and resting half our team we would have beaten you had that been given.  Maxwell was pretty much your only good player today.  Warner and Lynn went for nothing and the much vaunted Stanlake got smashed about the park.  Fair play to Maxwell though, he was excellent against our reserves.

    And what excuses do you have now after being soundly beaten again?


    I thought T20 was your 'speciality'... :lol:

  3. Billy Stanlake is a name to remember and a player to watch in this T20 series against your lot and of course the future. 205cm tall, taller than Bruce Reid, and capable of bowling over 150km/h he would be a nightmare in the long form let alone short spells in T20. Hope his body can hold up;



  4. 3 minutes ago, Tom said:

    Ah right. I still don't know much about it, It's just getting depressing. Feels like it's taken over my life.

    Went on a date with a lass on Friday, this just started on the Thursday and wasn't so bad. Told her I tripped on a cobblestone so she just thought I was a fucking idiot instead,

    You will get over this eventually by way of proper management. Tell her mate, that has its benefits. ;)

  5. 4 hours ago, Tom said:

    Had another bout of this, just in my left knee. They've attributed it to side effects of the mediciation.

    So since Saturday I've been on the couch writhing in pain, even when doped up.

    Tried to go back to graft this morning, I can tolerate limping about, whatever. Went to put my shoe on and just got this pang of sheer death from the knee. Not today lad. 

    Does this ever get back to normal? Feel like my life has become an endless loop of hospital appointments, Drs appointments, blood tests and other worldly pain.

    Sounds like hell mate. Do you need to travel to get to work? This would be eating into your holiday pay I would imagine leaving aside all the other major inconveniences obviously. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Christmas Tree said:


    I’m not talking about a bit of laddish behaviour (by labour and Tory people), that as with a lot in this climate is blown out of all proportion.


    Im talking by the vile nasty political stuff that was rampant when the hard left had their 15 minutes in the 80’s And is raging again now in the Labour Party.


    The death threats, the rape threats, the bullying. Even Harmans just been on the radio saying how disgusted she is with what’s going on up and down the cuntry.



    Indeed it is my friend. Indeed it is.

  7. 1 minute ago, Dr Gloom said:

    Chomp :lol:

    Aussie Aussie Aussie, oi oi oi.

    worst fans in world cricket tbh


    I don't think so. Test match cricket attendances were high. ODI attendances were low from the first match. That is the first match. Wasn't even half full at the MCG. Goes to show how people feel about the ODI format.



  8. 8 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:

    No, obviously not seriously. But there were a number of them that should have been considered for the ashes 

    Not a batsman that could have done better. Obviously they are bowlers. Yes?

  9. On 1/29/2018 at 20:02, Dr Gloom said:

    We should just do play the ODI side in tests. Could they do any worse?

    Seriously? :lol:

    Your ODI team is good, but ours atm is shite. Not the correct balance in the team and the test players backing up for the ODI's were clearly jaded with the exception of Cummins and Hazelwood. The small crowds (except in Perth because it was the opening of a new stadia and half of them left at the break) were a reflection of how the general punter felt about the ODI series.

  10. 3 hours ago, Alex said:

    I don’t really follow the BBL or the IPL closely but Lyons has played some T/20, hasn’t he? I don’t know if they’re trying to preserve his career for the Test side or if it’s purely down to his batting but I thought the same as you. 

    He has gone back to playing BBL and bowling well. For all the faults that the ECB have the same can be said for Cricket Australia. Some players are pigeon holed for some reason. 

  11. Congrats on the win. The batting your lot did in the last 5 overs or so made the difference in the end.


    Only watched the first 10 overs of our innings and when Warner and White were dismissed I knew we were in an uphill battle to win. The pool looked too good to refuse after that.:lol:


    We have the players to win but not the correct team selections or tactics. The way you played particularly in Melbourne took us by surprise and we responded poorly thereafter. 


    Nice to see your lot have something to cheer tbh

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