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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Fuck me. Bruce will have been a good 5 hours from getting up at that time.
  2. Has our Graeme put the cones out yet?
  3. £50m, so a couple of players then and maybe a couple of loans.
  4. Most of the replies think he's gone. Fuck me. Read it you thick fucks.
  5. Aye I know a lad who has his tongue so far up his arse he can taste his food for him. He does some development work for him and it wad common knowledge he was shagging birds whilst his wife was terminal
  6. Shelvey will be shitting himself on WhatsApp now 'ere Willy, what's the new gaffer like?' 'Bruv, e's a proper grafter, he makes you sweat your bollocks off, but e's sound' 'Fack' *Gypo has left the chat*
  7. I would say that's bigger news than Howe
  8. I think a few players will have their noses pushed out because of his work ethic. Good, they can fuck right off if they don't want to graft for the badge.
  9. That's because if he has food in his mouth he doesn't let fuck all escape.
  10. Love how the cunt on SSN quick to point out Howe's win %. Wasn't keen to do the same with Bruce though were they? Wankers. Chuffed tbh with this.
  11. Dont worry he will be announced in 2 years after being seen with Mandy next week
  12. The comment from Jones 'I'm not here just to put out the cones' is an odd one. Is that the stumbling block? Jones thinking he should have more say?
  13. Expected. Fuck. Me. What are they fucking fannying around at
  14. Football Daily (@footballdaily) Tweeted: 🔜 Eddie Howe expected to travel to Newcastle today to finalise the deal to become the next #NUFC manager [via @SkySports_Keith] https://t.co/632ujE8xne =20
  15. I would say with them on their way its the final sign Howe is in the morra
  16. Ffs I was trying to link a tweet that said Agnew and Pearson are gone.
  17. A CB is a must. Ramsay would be class. Absolutely class.
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