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Ayatollah Hermione

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Ayatollah Hermione last won the day on November 14 2021

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About Ayatollah Hermione

  • Birthday 08/29/1990

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  1. It’s a shame the French didn’t spend this long in World War 2! #GetBrexitDone
  2. Probably with much better things to do
  3. It seems French youth culture revolves around taking copious amounts of ecstasy?
  4. The American contingent No wonder they always win, they send the population of Iowa every 4 year
  5. One Somalian athlete. In sword fighting no doubt
  6. When the North Korean lot went past, it looked a bit like they were screaming for rescue
  7. Must say, this country rundown is a good refresher on which countries have been taken over by ruthless dictatorships in the last 4 years. Places I’ve never even heard of
  8. Bit brave of the French to think we’d know who these big brass boilers are. At least we had James Bond
  9. Of course France love minions. Now, when’s the bit on Rayman?
  10. Will I ever finish FFVII Rebirth? 90 hours in and I’m staring down the final chapter now. If I wasn’t enjoying it so much, there’s not a chance I’d be tackling a game of that length these days Dave the Diver next so hopefully that’s a bit more manageable
  11. Mad scenes at the end of Argentina vs Morocco. Complete with ugly crowd action that has cast a dark shadow on the games already and it hasn’t even technically begun. Women’s Handball tomorrow. Let the battle commence
  12. I took the day off today like but that was more to give myself a day of rest to get better rather than anything kind of obligation to isolate. If I only had mild symptoms and I had a holiday to go on, I’d be there with bells on. Just bring sanitiser
  13. Fucking COVID. I think anyway. Started with a cough and now I’m absolutely fucked. Aches and pains everywhere, no energy, sore throat and could hardly taste my tea. Though that might be my lasses cooking. Good timing for the Olympics like
  14. www.fanfiction.net may be the place you’re looking for
  15. When I was on Twitter, Burnsie was absolutely adamant that someone, I think it was Rondon, was signing full time at the end of his loan. 3 year contract, the lot. I helpfully reminded him that nobody was signing a contract while Rafa was leaving and he replied with some nonsense like “we’ll see 👀” Anyway, fast forward a few month, Rafa is gone, we’re not exploring a permanent deal for Rondon and I dragged the old tweet up, giving it the old I told you so. Five minutes later, I’m blocked and his original tweet is deleted he’s a fucking fruit loop
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