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trophyshy last won the day on April 16 2022

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About trophyshy

  • Birthday 05/22/1972

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    Still on that feckin island

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  1. My lass is French, 70s bush still all the rage.
  2. Found an old shirt in storage at the weekend. Passed it across to the help;
  3. Callum Wilson, the ultimate false 9.
  4. Pittington is a fucking pointless dump, I used to live there. The poor fuckers who are still stuck there, several of them my unacknowledged children, understand that Sunderland is so fucking grim it’s best to pretend it doesn’t exist. Makes me sort of proud of those kids, whatever their names are.
  5. Good morning everyone, this is your captain speaking. I’d like to welcome you all to FTM Airlines. Please sit back and relax while we serve the blue pop. I’d like to remind you all, if you need to do a number 2 then please make your way to seat 18c. As we cruise at 30,000 feet, it’s worth remembering that Rafa, and all the other mag bastards, are beneath us. Also, do take a moment to browse our FTM menu, printed in full colour, and showing our range of in-flight cheese slices and lion looking crisps.
  6. It's too soon for Eddie, give it to him in 8 years when things have gone a bit stale at Newcastle following 5 Champions League wins on the bounce.
  7. You can't make paella with chips, gravy and mushy peas.
  8. Not saying we are not creative, obviously we are, but I think Spain are on another level, and I am not convinced that is completely down to coaching/tactics. Spain is an artistically very expressive and flamboyant nation. England, well, have you been here?
  9. Ultimately it was their imagination that won it imo. We have great players but they are just not as creative. I am not sure this can be coached or is a cultural thing. Southgate doesn't help in this regard. Spain are fucking awesome really, and likely to win the next WC.
  10. If he wins the Euros he will want a crack the WC, and fair enough too.
  11. A friend of mine has set up a company to investigate all this. Article in the Guardian today; https://amp.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jul/12/disinformation-networks-social-media-x-france-germany-italy-eu-elections It's fucking terrifying really, peak sophistry, except now the sophists can be paid a pittance for exponential impact.
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