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Alan Shearer Is God

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Posts posted by Alan Shearer Is God

  1. I remember when Marcotti said we'd be fucked if Given went as Harper is 'woefully bad.' I mean, Given is better than Harper but woefully bad? Just goes to show that he only watches the alleged big three and then whoever is playing them that week.


    He's an arrogant Sky TV placca football fan who is interested in how the big clubs are doing and no-one else, which imo makes his knowledge of football shite (which he's demonstrated on several occasions)


    Glad I'm not the only one who's piss is boiled by this overpaid bafoon.



    Harper is worse than 'woefully bad'

  2. about time but im glad. we got half an hour to get hughes now!



    deadline has passed.




    Your clocks must be wrong.



    midnight cet, 11pm bst. what time have you got? It's 12.30 in france.




    00.00 gmt the window shuts. We have 26 minutes to spare.

  3. Thats a joke, what happened to the cr*p about him being worth 15-20m!


    Payable over installments!  I think that is a poor piece of business!




    Did you really think that ANYONE was going to pay that kind of money for him?

  4. It is the way he makes the overall feeling of the club and fans worse.


    Compare this to the season we came 3rd. The team was playing some superb football and playing well as team as well as enjoying themslves. Along comes Souness and wrecks the fun and decides to throw arguments with players, before promising them they won't play for the club again. The guy just can't handle players at all. His man-to-man management is a joke. He could fall out with the whole team for all he cares with no reason to make up because he feels it's what the players deserve. He then decides to leave crucial players out of the team, letting down the team and fans, not thinking the performance of the club and satisfaction of the fans should come first, ahead of punishments that a manager shouldn't even do. He could just decide to put the "good lads" (players who respect him, don't whine, wouldn't approach him and make a big effort) ahead of the "bad boys" in the pecking ranks. Instead he could try to prevent conflict and treat his players with respect evenly, and attempt to gain respect back.


    Look back to that season, and Jenas was a bright spark, a hot prospect for the future. He was handled well by Robson and was contributing to the team brilliantly. If he moves to Spurs under Martin Jol, an excellent manager who admires him, he could be a buy of the season and regular there.


    That man Souness is a joke. And I didn't say it was all his fault the club's failed, because it isn't but I mean what I've said.




    And who was manager in the 2 season after that - Thats right, Sir Bob.


    The man who couldnt control his players and vertually gave them free reign of the dressing room.

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