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No "squish" please we're British

Scottish Mag

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An ad encouraging men to get checked for prostate cancer, starring Ricky Gervais, comedian with a past as a new wave popstar now most famous for his role as David Brent in "The Office", has banned from radio waves before nine pm as it was too offensive.. A soundeffect has also been removed from the ad - a 'squish' noise - to santize the ad. Why? Well it's a touchy subject (pun intended) I guess. The sound effect is in the ad as Ricky who plays the doctor is inserting a finger to check the prostate.


Ricky is not at all happy with the squish sound being removed: "It's pathetic. One of the reasons that people die of cancer is that they don't get themselves checked. One of the reasons they don't get checked is embarrassment over the issue. The radio authority has actually enhanced this as a taboo."


The Prostate Cancer Charity never intended the ad to run during the day anyway, John Neate chief executive of the charity called the decision to remove the squish 'a disgrace'.


You can listen to the ad un-cut in real audio or mp3 from here.



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Why is it such a taboo subject? Why is it that prostate cancer is swept under the rug yet it has become almost fashionable to support breast or cervical cancer? I see dozens of prostate cancer patients a week and all of them ask the exact same things, where is our public support? Where is our high profile research? Where are our fundraising events?


I have a lot of respect for you Ritchie and everything you're trying to do.

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Nice view from that horse isn't it Bridget.



That's unfair. I was making (what I thought was the reasonable point) that people tend to campaign on things that affect them, as prostate cancer doesn't affect women, they're unlikely to take a massive interest. I don't agree with that kind of sentiment, but that's the way it seems to work. I'm not likely to be against raising the profile of health problems, regardless of who they affect but merely being realistic.




I remember a few years ago a bloke had the gall to write an article in The Times or one of the other "qualities" which highlighted exactly the point that smear testing was "in" whereas something like 4 times as many men die of prostate cancer ever year.


Some utter fucking bitch wrote a "reply" in which she basically dismissed his argument and even made (snigger) references to the size of the writers organ which of course has everything to do with prostates doesn't it?


The media promote and campaign on a fashion basis.

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Hopefully with hard work and much coverage it will create a greater awareness and their will no longer be a taboo over testicular and prostate cancer.



I have more plans in place for my next project to help raise awareness and hopefully it is going to be on a far greater scale.

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I have more plans in place for my next project to help raise awareness and hopefully it is going to be on a far greater scale.



You're going to grow a pubic 'tache? :)


The prostate taboo is weird really. I don't know if it's just that being a gay man means I'm less bothered about the prospect of a doctor fingering my bits, but I wouldn't wait (and indeed haven't waited) a moment if there was any hint of anything being wrong down below... besides, if the doc knows his stuff, the "squish" doesn't have to be all that loud anyway :)

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