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Ban considered for Spice Gold, herbal high as strong as some skunk cannabis

Park Life

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Last time I tried it I was under the illusion that my mate's fireplace had morphed into a Samurai. :D

Wacky thought he saw pixies but he was just sitting in front of the mirrir.


Fucking hell. That'd do Fop proud. :lol:



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Last time I tried it I was under the illusion that my mate's fireplace had morphed into a Samurai. :D

Wacky thought he saw pixies but he was just sitting in front of the mirrir.




Whats one of them?

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Last time I tried it I was under the illusion that my mate's fireplace had morphed into a Samurai. :D

Wacky thought he saw pixies but he was just sitting in front of the mirrir.


When they have been doing those reformation shows around the world.

You pathetic, sad cunt.

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It's that salvia they want to be banning, funny old carry on that shit.

Presumably it's legal on the basis that one big bong of that and you probably won't go back for more. Weird shit.




I think you could be on to something there, I've thought about it but haven't quite got the balls to try it again. :icon_lol:

Last time I tried it I was under the illusion that my mate's fireplace had morphed into a Samurai. :D


i think a lot of the bad press has to do with underestimating how strong/large the dose of salvia being ingested/smoked can be.

my buddy took some that must have had a high dose in it, scared the crap out of him and his wife who was there in a support role, says no way he'll take more, and he is a seasoned 'traveller' so to speak

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  • 8 months later...
Always assumed it was shit.

I had some when the snow was at its' heaviest, best smoked thing ever, better than any weed I've ever had, and it got banned 23rd December the cunts, but they sold everything at 1/4 price so I bought four pouches.


Speaking of legal highs, are there any others around now or are they all banned? I tried a few of those Hawaiian Baby Rosewood a while ago, completely natural little buds, and that was fuckin mental. You're sick after an hour then you're totally fine, and have the most amazing clarity of thought, then it goes a bit mad and you're euphoric and start visualising things. The next day you wake up in a great mood, but not the sort of stuff to do around people just when you're fucked with a hangover or something it neutralised mine. I wonder if they're still about. Think it was 3 quid for 5 buds or something. I only had the two and chucked the other 3 away fuck knows why.

Edited by Stevie
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Always assumed it was shit.

I had some when the snow was at its' heaviest, best smoked thing ever, better than any weed I've ever had, and it got banned 23rd December the cunts, but they sold everything at 1/4 price so I bought four pouches.


Speaking of legal highs, are there any others around now or are they all banned? I tried a few of those Hawaiian Baby Rose Buds a while ago, completely natural little buds, and that was fuckin mental. You're sick after an hour then you're totally fine, and have the most amazing clarity of thought, then it goes a bit mad and you're euphoric and start visualising things. The next day you wake up in a great mood, but not the sort of stuff to do around people just when you're fucked with a hangover or something it neutralised mine. I wonder if they're still about. Think it was 3 quid for 5 buds or something. I only had the two and chucked the other 3 away fuck knows why.



M-Cat. It's insane. I hear :jesuswept:

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these places are getting a load of bad press over here at the minute.


100's of people queueing outside the shops after clubs/bars at 3am.


Not closed down over here yet, Stevie.

aye up in derrys starting to get mad with them now aswell. The provos shot some man who owned a shop who sold em :jesuswept: bless the critter :P

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