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Someone should invent an app that you simply input a name and it tells you how to pronounce it correctly.


Hate having to ring somewhere and take a punt at an unusual name for the first time, it's a fast route to making them uncomfortable and you sounding like a thick(er) Jim Davidsonite.

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I wouldn't worry about it. I answer my work mobile saying "Afternoon Darrel speaking" (if its afternoon like) and the usual thing I hear is "hello is that Darrel?".


Next up is when someone says "yeah fine thanks" automatically even when you didn't ask how they were.


In other words, no fucker listens anyway.


On that, I had to ring a bloke yesterday and the spelling is "Rajes". I was thinking for ages how to pronounce it (he is a solicitor) and in the end opted for the mumble route where in fade out. After I called I heard the receptionist shout "Raj". Fucker.

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My surname gets mispronounced all the time even though it's easy as fuck, there's only 5 letters in it for fucks sake. Anyway, the rule is simple, if you ring me on a sales call whether at home or at work and you mispronounce the surname then it's game ower. You could be chucking in a free night with the Garrameister as part of the deal and you can still fuck off.

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I used to love when english companies would ring my first job about invoices


"errrr can i speak to See-oo-ban?" (Siobhán)

"is may-bah around?" (maebh)

"ehhh roo ira?" (Ruairi)


never mind the surnames :lol:


Aren't you lot taught Gaelic at primary school? Same with the Welsh I think...you do have a sort of head start on us Anglo Saxons ;)

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Welsh and Gaelic, for the vast majority of their histories were only spoken, not written down. When ( the almost always English) people started to do so in the 17/1800's I think they took the oppurtunity to just take the fuckin piss with it :lol:

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