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Alex last won the day on July 21

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  1. Lovely renovated early 20th century Italianate garden in Devon 👍🏻
  2. Gardener’s World is on 👍🏻 (I know because I’ve turned over)
  3. This bit with the women is worth it just for how much it’ll wind up Laurence Fox
  4. proper woke / PC gone mad
  5. That said, Danse Macabre is a tune
  6. I had enough of this sort of shite with the evening entertainment at the all inclusive in Turkey
  7. One thing you can never accuse the French of is not being pretentious
  8. That’s a bit mental, not to mention sad. 6 times French champions, the last time only 15 years ago. Multiple seasons in Europe. Had some great players down the years too including two of the ‘Carre Magique’ - Giresse and Tigana. And even more famously 3 who won the World Cup in 98 (Zidane, Dugarry and Lizarazu).
  9. Look at Wyki and I, showing off @RobinRobin
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