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Alex last won the day on October 17

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  1. The latter is just speculation at this stage
  2. Think so. Well spotted
  3. The same with most of them though. Pick and choose which bits of the bible justify their bigotry etc whilst completely ignoring most of the supposed teachings of Jesus
  4. Bit harsh. On the Taliban.
  5. He definitely definitely was NOT the inspiration for Jeff Wode
  6. It’s fear in part. Like you wouldn’t want to cross that crazy cunt anyway. But if he wins….
  7. I’ve seen him in Instagram or something. He doesn’t take himself too seriously. However, there’s a world of difference between knowing how to use a knife and fork and so on and the strict etiquette rules he’s seemingly made a career out of demonstrating. The latter is just about making people feel inferior/superior based purely on class, which school you went to, etc.
  8. Fantastic news, mate. It must be a huge relief
  9. He’s going to win again, isn’t he?
  10. The intimate knowledge of local sheep is the only thing that rings true
  11. The first, elaborate story is made up. But the other two stories with next to no details are true. Honest
  12. I’m not sure what’s more mental. Their submitting that copy or their editor going “Aye, nice work, let’s put that in the paper” also, the line: …a highly experienced dabbler…. sounds like me trying to convince myself I didn’t have a problem in the 90s
  13. It’s hilarious how she’s that big a cunt that even this incarnation of the Tory party hates her.
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