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A Twitter account revealed the CL Draw yesterday

Ayatollah Hermione

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A Twitter account (@UEFACorruption) tweeted the CL Draw yesterday and apparently, they didn't just post every alternative and delete the incorrect ones. People have said they saw it yesterday and nothing has changed. If true, it's a pretty damning indictment. You could argue that everyone knows UEFA is full of crooked arseholes anyway but if this is legit, then it's pretty huge.

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there was hundreds off accounts made with predictions all the other have since been deleted. things like @ucl_fraude was one.

It only needed 128 tweets and then 120 of them to be deleted. So that screenshot above of a single account (the one that did it) was all that was needed.


There might be other accounts doing similar... But it doesn't look like this feels needed to.

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TBF if it is fake they want nicking for that.

I think anyone who blindly believed it is more of a threat and we'd be better off if they were behind bars

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