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Human species 'may split in two'


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I like the idea that an underclass of squat simpletons will emerge, as if evolution, which has for millions of years improved us to suit our surroundings and extend longevity, is going to start naturally selecting the retards and physically impaired. What evolutionary benefit can there be in drinking Lambrini and wearing your cap vertically? The more vertical your cap, the less likely you are to be shot by another vertical cap wearing hoodlum?



Well only an ugly little stupid Chav will shag another stupid little chav


So after a 1000 years of ugliness and stupidy somethings gonna take its toll


But being shorter and uglier has no benefit so those people won't proliferate. The genetic marvels (good looking charvers) will.


But on the other hand, charvers are outbreeding the general population at a rate of 10 to 1. In the future we might all become charvers, and, being unable to work, eventually starve to death and be wiped out.


And let's face it, how good looking you are has little to do with your breeding potential.

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You do get some fit looking charva lasses like. Although they tend to deteriorate fairly quickly unless they manage to raise themselves out of their surroundings.

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Nobody can tell me that there isn't some in-breeding going in with them though. You see entire families getting on the metro and they haven't got a brain cell between them. All stood with vacant looks across their faces. Mongs.

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Nobody can tell me that there isn't some in-breeding going in with them though. You see entire families getting on the metro and they haven't got a brain cell between them. All stood with vacant looks across their faces. Mongs.

Pastie flakes round the mouth. Them, not you I mean :blink:

Edited by alex
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Nobody can tell me that there isn't some in-breeding going in with them though. You see entire families getting on the metro and they haven't got a brain cell between them. All stood with vacant looks across their faces. Mongs.

Pastie flakes round the mouth. Them, not you I mean :blink:


A four year old whose voice has already broken that sits the entire journey pulling his mam's arm going "Maaaaam.......maaaaaam.......maaaaaam.........maaaaaam..." while his mother stares out the window ignoring him. 20 minutes into the journey she springs into action, smacks him across the head and goes "FUCKIN SHUDDUP MAN!".....then turns back to the window.

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Nobody can tell me that there isn't some in-breeding going in with them though. You see entire families getting on the metro and they haven't got a brain cell between them. All stood with vacant looks across their faces. Mongs.

Pastie flakes round the mouth. Them, not you I mean :D


Liked the way it was necessary to clarify that. :blink:

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Nobody can tell me that there isn't some in-breeding going in with them though. You see entire families getting on the metro and they haven't got a brain cell between them. All stood with vacant looks across their faces. Mongs.

Pastie flakes round the mouth. Them, not you I mean :blink:


A four year old whose voice has already broken that sits the entire journey pulling his mam's arm going "Maaaaam.......maaaaaam.......maaaaaam.........maaaaaam..." while his mother stares out the window ignoring him. 20 minutes into the journey she springs into action, smacks him across the head and goes "FUCKIN SHUDDUP MAN!".....then turns back to the window.

I hate that sort of thing. It's horrible when they use language like that towards bairns. What chance have the poor sods got? Far too easy for nasty little charvas to have a kid and get themselves to the top of the council house list imo. No sense of social responsibility and you wouldn't let them take your dog for a walk, yet they're bringing a kid up.

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You do get some fit looking charva lasses like. Although they tend to deteriorate fairly quickly unless they manage to raise themselves out of their surroundings.



I have seen some decent pram faces in my time. Its like walking into a slightly run down terraced house and thinking, 'the right lick of paint would sort this place/face out'.


Cheryl Tweedy is the High Charveress and is also fit as a butchers dog.

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Nobody can tell me that there isn't some in-breeding going in with them though. You see entire families getting on the metro and they haven't got a brain cell between them. All stood with vacant looks across their faces. Mongs.

Pastie flakes round the mouth. Them, not you I mean :blink:




But Gemmill is right, you see families where every one of them is a braindead waste of space and you think there has to be a chance they've been "keeping it in the family" in terms of breeding.


And you just have to look at the average charva to see there has been some cross breeding between human and rat to come up with the current shower that infect our society.


And where the hell does that voice come from that every last of them emits from their mouth (well partly through their noses as well by the sounds of it).

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