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  1. London 2012 opening ceremony was class tbh. And you know how much I love to hate the UK and love Europe... but.... Just switched on for a few minutes. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? Honestly, Glasgow's commonwealth games were better with the dancing Tunnocks cakes. This is fucking shite.
  2. I am praying here Trump is fucked. He either mutes himself and looks weak, or he exposes himself and turns off the vital swing voters. I think lots of people would really struggle to have voted for Biden (me included if I lived there) but will fall in line with Harris if she perfroms well. May I just take the opportuinity to say what an utter loathsome shit head Vance is. Honestly dislike him more than Trump even. Definitely a handicap for the orange clown. US politics is fascinating at the moment and will provide my fix in Autumn as politics turns boring here.
  3. Really not sure about that like but whatever floats your boat. "M16 me up bay". God I had forgotten what a crazy bitch she was. Arguably though she set up the US for the insanity to come.
  4. It definitely does like. Maybe the GP couldn't face your hoop and went straight to the biochemistry.
  5. It's a needlessly selfish mode of suicide. I know you probably wouldn't be thinking straight, but surely you would consider your effect on the driver and passengers? Or maybe if you're that desperate not I guess, because you're not thinking of your friends or family either. Another one I don't get is paracetamol poisoning. Very common. Often you've woken up from the alcohol you've combined it with, it's too late. You've committed yourself to a relatively slow agonising death as your liver necroses and your body shuts down. Many people, probably most, are remorseful at this stage. Can't think of much worse. If I were doing it I'd overdose on opioids like. Either you will die unconscious or if it fails you will survive undamaged. Worries me I have thought about this as much as I have tbh.....
  6. Aye, it's fine now. Piss as clear as a mountain stream. I was dreading the old finger up the bum, a camera up your jap's eye is a new level of torment!
  7. Is there a better fight scene in film history than the bride vs the crazy 88? This is insane. "This is what you get for fucking around with yakuzas. Go home to your mother".
  8. Using my first night alone to watch Kill Bill 1 and 2 double bill, probably for the first time in 10 years. The films themselves are 21 years old now. They are fucking brilliant though. They just don't make films as good as this nowadays. Tarantino is easily my favourite director even if his work is as rare as rocking horse shit.
  9. Am also relieved. Last night I started pissing blood. No pain or burning to indicate a UTI. This is a nightmare, especially in a bloke, as it can signify all sorts of horrific diseases. Had a think about it and went on Google. Now, somewhat ironically I've been on a health drive for the last 6 months, eat an awful lot of salad. Then I remembered I had eaten a whole punnet of beetroot which were near their use date 6 hours prior to to the blood pissing episode. They were particularly strong beetroot. I'm almost certain I had beeturia. Flushed my system out with a couple of litres of water and everything is back to normal now. Obviously I'll go to the docs again if this happens in the absence of beetroot. 👍
  10. Woke up feeling like shite, I am now riddled with it. No point in me going now as I don't have the energy to do anything. One complication I didn't mention was it meant sharing a car with my elderly mum for 2 hours who has all sorts of comorbidities yet didn't get the last booster. Not going to have her getting sick or worse on my conscience! The rest of the family are going, I'm taking today off sick and probably working tomorrow to save my precious a/l and get back on top of my work. Fucksticks, having no luck at the moment.
  11. Aye, cheers lads, as long as I feel okay tomorrow I'll go. Good excuse to not hang around the bar and get Mrs Rents to fetch my breakfast.
  12. Well aye, but, am fully with HMHM here like. The window cleaner lad was a bit part. Fucking Claire Grogan though. I still twitch when I think of her in that film. Really captures the zeitgeist and the feeling of being young and hormonal. Love this film. Full film on YouTube btw. Bullshit window cleaner nonce quote on 44 minutes.
  13. I din't feel any symptoms until last night and the timing would fit getting it from my colleague last week. I will repeat tomorrow morning* and make a decision then though. If I'm positive, I'll not go, the wife and kids can go without me. So fucked off with this shit. * Might forget to put the swab in my nostril.
  14. Colleague put it on teams she had tested positive last week. I had talked to her face to face. Last night, I felt a bit ill. Nowt really, slightly tight chest, general malaise. In line with bad hay fever or a mild cold. Felt better this morning, but not quite 100%, so just done a test. The line is very faint but its positive. Fucking wish I hadn't done the test now. After missing previous holidays due to my "illness" at the start of this month, I'm supposed to be walking in the Lakes tomorrow and Friday, staying at a hotel. It's non-cancellable so if I don't go that's £500 wasted and tbh that's a big hit for me cos I'm struggling a bit financially at the moment. Am I really going to sack this off due to a very faint line on a test when I feel okay, well enough to walk 15 miles over Helvellyn as intended? I've no legal requirement to self isolate, and if this was just a normal cold, which it basically is now (coronavirus have always caused 10% of colds), I wouldn't even consider not going under these circumstances. On the other hand, its clear this bugger is very infectious and I don't want to be responsible for infecting someone who might not cope as well. Really not sure what to do now.
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