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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Help to buy had been brought forward. Looks like lenders will be offering them as part of their portfolio. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/help-to-buy-mortgage-guarantee-available-3-months-early
  2. Jolly fast is a scientific measurement, so it must be true!
  3. UK economy growing at fastest rate in the developed world http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/10354575/UK-economy-growing-at-fastest-rate-in-the-developed-world.html
  4. Increasing supply will reduce prices. That's a fundamental principle of supply and demand. Reducing price will cause negative equity. The bubble was caused because financial institutions who ignored risk and over lent money. They largely did this as they could resell the mortgage and make a quick quid. Currently the government are losing out on loads of revenue as the housing market has ground to a halt. This is largely because first time buyers and people remortaging are being neglected by the banks as too risky. people won't be able to over stretch, as the bank will retain the loan risk, so I can't see over lending happening again.
  5. What have they done wrong? I thought 10k tax allowance was quite a coop. Sure the alternative vote fell didnt pay out, but getting it was a massive achievement. I also think they took a massive sting out of the conservative cuts.
  6. See this is the issue with politics. Short term headlines aimed at splitting the parties into rich vs poor. There's nothing wrong with trying to instil working values in the long term unemployed. Obviously for it to work the scheme would have to be voluntary. It's a sad fact but employers are unlikely to hire someone with a year gap on their CV. Labour spends too much and the tories spend too little. Both are basically shit so I'm probably going to vote Lib Dem, at least the "carrier bag" tax is a workable.
  7. Aye because he's been shafted on transfers!
  8. A history degree and masters in Criminology - can't think why employers arent lining up to give him a job! Like most young people today, they expect employers to give them a job - without the ability to justify it. He's too educated for low end jobs and has no experience for anything above. If he knows what job he's after (the law degree suggests otherwise), he needs to either intern for free or sit an industry sought qualification.
  9. The players will hopefully want to make up for the Hull game!
  10. If you can get to the OS in safe mode try running Magic Jelly Bean to get the old key. http://www.magicaljellybean.com/keyfinder/
  11. It really depends who they get in. I can't think of any decent manager available. Add to that it's a load of new players who don't know each other and a manager who didn't buy them. Pretty sure Martin O'neil could organise them
  12. I've got one and they work in or out
  13. Pretty mental allowing the manager to sign so many players and not waiting for them gel.
  14. Lack of competition for places is the issue. Only Anita and MBwia are playing for their position.
  15. Week in week out Cisse is shit. He has to be dropped!
  16. I doubt this will have been a fine in the traditional sense (like backchat or turning up late for training). More likely docking his wages was a formality. I know it might sound like symantics, but a fine is usually a penalty for conduct. Where as not being paid for not playing is an obvious outcome. I doubt Cabaye or the club give it a passing thought.
  17. I put on a Newcastle, Liverpool & Chelsea accumulator. three home bankers imo
  18. Pardew let Guthrie have a run of games, so I can see Anita keeping his place. Quite looking forward to this one.
  19. Pretty sure it's always been no one wanted to pay the agents. We may well have said he's got to pay them, which was passed on by his agent as "you have to take a pay cut"
  20. Are there any stupid mugs still think he wasn't on strike?
  21. I doubt anyone will read past the first paragraph
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