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Christmas Tree

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Christmas Tree last won the day on May 27 2017

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About Christmas Tree

  • Birthday 11/30/1965

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    Tyne & Wear

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  1. Apparently the lad up the street used to be a “famous” cycler called Jo Waugh. Know shit all about cycling or this bloke but just thought I would mention it whilst passing
  2. Another 10.000 steps before 6am at Costa del Seaburn.
  3. When you’re waiting to get an email saying you were successful in the ballot and they send you a marketing email instead.
  4. 13-7 down from 14-10 in May. 10.000 steps done for the day already whilst watching the dolphins jump and a “morning” exchange with @Gemmill senior. Does a start to the day get any better
  5. Was flicking through YouTube the other day and the 10 minute highlight of the 8-0 popped up. Watching this then lead to YouTube offering me another 10 highlights of our big scoring games over the last 2 years. Mouth watering stuff to get you ready for the big kick off. One of my favourite moments
  6. Ballot opens at 10am for first home game. Let the ticket disappointment begin
  7. It’s a good old heart and head situation. Your heart is all for Eddie and his way of doing things rather than some suits in the shadows. Your head realises that to be a big player in world football you need these world class suits in the shadows to have a club that excels regardless of who the manager is over time. Lots of “lesser” clubs seem to find great prospects from all over the world and we need to get much better at getting those rough diamonds in for our coaches to polish, both for first team and academy. That is our only way of ever sustaining a permanent challenge to join the elite. Im sure when Ashworth was first appointed Eddie did an interview where he stressed it was important for the club to have a solid structure in place regardless of who the manager was and that time has now come. Love Eddie to bits and hope feathers can be unruffled quickly and they can all pull in the same direction.
  8. Also in a vape shop in the galleries yesterday and beneath the display of vapes was a glass shelf containing many coloured beads that a young woman was admiring. My daughter is quite into Taylor Swift and sharing friendship bands made of beads with other swiftees is quite a big thing. So I mozied over next to the young woman and bent down for a closer look, only to discover a sign saying “nipple rings”. She must have thought I was a right purve
  9. Seaburn man! Fucking clit pearcings clearly visible. Almost put me off my curry and chips. (Almost )
  10. Still on the piss and haven’t heard it but guessing it’s pampers all round and I’m right yet again p
  11. Possibly heading to the stak shortly to show off my dance moves. Unfortunately, my daughter is in there with fellow teachers but hey ho.
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