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Irrelevant Nick KP

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Everything posted by Irrelevant Nick KP

  1. Do we have to be one or the other like? Surely theres a happy medium, I refuse to be an 'ite' of either of those to idiots. Maybe one could be cloned. One thing is certain; the clone would be rotund.
  2. Everyone knows that Shepherd and Ashley are opposites. Some are Shepherd-ites, others are Ashley-ites. I'm an Ashley-ite, and have been since Ashley turned up. KeithJ is my witness to this.
  3. Look at Aston Villa - 4th, and they haven't ONCE got into the Champions League.
  4. Sorry, but even though that kind of money may not be enough to get Champions League football, you sure as heck don't pay that kind of money for Europa League football.
  5. Imagine you go into a video shop. You go to the counter. You say "I'll have Rocky 5" please. The shop assistant says "Why certainly. 19.99 please" You pay the money. The shop assistant says "Muahahahahahahahaha. I'm not going to give you Rocky 5. Now go away and get stuffed, muahahahahahahaha" I imagine you'd be pretty miffed. I'm sure a strongly-worded letter to the Chron would be your mildest reaction. Imagine you go to a book shop. You go to the counter. "I'll have War and Peace" please. The shop assistant says "5.99 please" You pay the money. The shop assistant says. "Go away you old fart. We want your money, but we don't want to give you anything in return," Again, tut-tut, service isn't what it once was, would emerge from your lips with intensitivity. That's how Randy Lerner must feel. He went to the counter. He said "Champions League football please" The shop assistant said "200 million on transfer fees and wages please" He paid the money. Muhahahahahahahaha, said an army of dross Villa players like Richard Dunne. Go away, you yankie doodle! Little wonder then that he's now going to appoint a man who got Birmingham relegated twice. Anger can be vented in many ways.
  6. I don't know the answer to that question. Can anyone please answer this question. When Freddie was ousted, were we owed lots of money? And if so, from which transfers? What do people think? Personally, I can't think of any big sales that could have made us big creditors. But if anyone knows different, please answer the question. Were we owed lots of money on transfers when Freddie was kicked out?
  7. Keegan or Shearer were not foisted on Ashley. But Keegan got 2 million pounds because the club signed someone without asking him (boo-hoo). Apart from inaccurately saying Keegan or Shearer was foisted on Ashley, the article basically says the truth.
  8. Thank goodness Freddie no longer has anything to do with Newcastle United. I can't say that often enough, even after 4 years it's still like waking up from a bad dream.
  9. Come on, what's wrong with seeing beyond the burning issues? We aren't living in Asterix's village. Your living in Sunnycrest, aren't you? I don't know what Sunnycrest is, but I've had a few ideas which tickle my funnybone
  10. Come on, what's wrong with seeing beyond the burning issues? We aren't living in Asterix's village.
  11. McIlroy went to Manchester City, who had just been promoted to the top division.
  12. Reading your own posts again Oh, by the way, do you like rhoubarb?
  13. About 7 months ago, Sammy McIlroy criticised Wayne Rooney's alleged lack of loyalty to Man United. Do people think McIlroy, who left Stoke City after they got relegated, is in a position to criticise other people's loyalty? "Now they want him to stay and show a bit of loyalty - but unfortunately these days it doesn't happen and loyalty seems to go out the window. Lots of fans will probably be hoping he does change his mind and I think Sir Alex wants him to - but these days money talks." http://www.givemefootball.com/premier-leag...ning-for-rooney Damned cheek.
  14. What do you think of players who refuse to play for their country. I don't have a problem with them at all. It is their right not to, in my opinion. But it all works out well for me, because if a player doesn't want to play for his country, then I wouldn't want him to, no matter how good he was. So I think everyone's a winner here. What do other people think?
  15. Nothing. I'm succeeding in saying they'll both be based in the borough of Fulham.
  16. He and Hiddink will both be based in the Borough of Fulham.
  17. DrGloom, I don't agree that Sven had better players than other managers. Rooney can be discounted since he was never on the pitch when England were eliminated under Sven. Owen was never the player he was pre-2002. Joe Cole and Steven Gerrard were world-class, while Beckham was being demanded off the pitch, while Sven was sticking by him. And Becks was very productive under Sven, assisting and scoring frequently. I think the current English group of players is better than the one Sven had at his disposal. And remember, Rooney can be discounted completely from Sven's time, since England were never eliminated with him on the pitch; 2004 (metatarsel dragged him off in quarter-final). 2006, Red carded in quarter-final.
  18. Yes, stick, which in the form of, what I consider to be, moronic postings.
  19. Haha I wasn't sure. Got to go now to work (yes, awful isn't it) but i'll be back
  20. Is it really a popular myth? I knew that and everyone did at the time since it was all over the media that 2nd place would take us into a play-off with the Ukraine and Shevchenko in his pomp. I think you make fair points about Sven, as I've said. However labouring the point when he has as much chance of getting the England job again as Keegan has is a bit tedious. As are comments like the bit in bold to try and show how clever you are. Well, childish accusations about me trying to show how clever I am, without proof (and false by the way) don't do you any credit, in my view. But yes, I've heard many people say that we were close to being knocked out until Beckham 'saved' Sven. Sven came in when England was in trouble, and turned things around. Greece at Old Trafford was a little warning from Greece about what would happen 3 years later.
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