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Irrelevant Nick KP

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Everything posted by Irrelevant Nick KP

  1. Just had another look at his career stats. Quite shocking really Is there a specific set of stats that make up all of his career stats? If you are going to quote stats, actually show us which ones you mean, so that we can judge for ourselves how revealing those stats are. If you have counted goals, but ignored assists, the stats are pretty worthless, in my view. or if you have counted 10-minute sub appearances, as equal to full matches, then the stats are also pretty ridiculous. Since you don't explain which stats you are referring to, your posting is quite shocking really
  2. I know it's always been that way. And I know the gulf has got wider. I don't see your point. But I do know that I don't find it particularly impressive when a club spends lots of money and consequently win a trophy. I find it impressive when a club exceeds its outlay, regardless. Do you enjoy the company of men? :icon_lol: :D Some men, yes.
  3. I know it's always been that way. And I know the gulf has got wider. I don't see your point. But I do know that I don't find it particularly impressive when a club spends lots of money and consequently win a trophy. I find it impressive when a club exceeds its outlay, regardless.
  4. What I consider to be horse shit is when a whole fan base can jump for joy collectively when someone sad but rich decides they need an ego-massage and buy the club. However, as Chelsea fans have proved, the ridiculous happiness wares off after less than a decade.
  5. i do see where youre coming from, but was more meaning in football generally . as much as i agree with the principle its too 'eutopian' to hope for it to transpire surely ? Bobby, I have no interest in anything transpiring to other clubs. Let Man City spend all that money, let Chelsea spend all that money, and I hope they're very happy. But I'm much happier now that I've started dividing on-pitch achievements by money spent. I have achieved a state of mind, whereby I have no interest in my club being bought by someone who is clearly seeking some sort of self-confirmation, which I find very sad. In short, money no longer matters to me in football, since I will always divide on-pitch achievement by money spent. And I'll do this, even if I'm the only person on earth to do it. Though I'm not so sure I am. Why were Burnley fans so much happier than Man U fans, in 2009, when Burnley won promotion and Man U won the league. Why were Everton fans as loud as Chelsea fans at the cup final that same year, despite Everton losing? Maybe the nature of things is simply that people always demand success relative to what their club spends, which is what I'm doing. Who knows?
  6. Bobby, it already has happened. We finished far higher than our expenditure. That is the whole point, for me.
  7. Since we're on the subject of what we consider football is about, this is what I think: Football is about having heroes on the pitch who have a certain degree of cameraderie. Refusing to play for the club unless you are paid 50,000 has nothing to do with true football, in my opinion. That's why I believe chairmen have a moral right and duty to refuse to pay it, and I applaud any board that does that, but when it's my club doing it, it's an added bonus.
  8. I don't know if there's any point or not, but I do anyway. It affects my mood enormously. And even though there are times when I actually wish I didn't care that much, I quickly remember that when we do well, the feeling is so great, that it's worth the pain when we do badly.
  9. By that logic, you should support one of the Manchesters or Chelsea. Anyway, I'm very happy with Newcastle. They finished 8 places above their spending. Just the kind of success I like. Of course, it was ultimately a let-down, because we were so close to finishing 9th, so I felt bitterly disappointed. I would have been utterly delighted had we finished 9th. However, once the disappointment has begun to fade, finishing 8 places above spending position is absolutely excellent.
  10. You brought up Keegan coming. And you mentioned that I support a team that paid a world record transfer fee. (actually, I think Gallagher was also a world record transfer fee) So I informed you, that when I started supporting them, they were actually very modest spenders. Several clubs had spent more than half a million, or even a million, when I became a fan in 1985, but Newcastle were still on 250,000 for their record buy. Then Goddard came in 1986, and he cost 400,000.
  11. Keegan's fee was 100,000 but he earned 3,000 per week. Trewick's fee was more than Keegan's, and when I became a fan, Trewick was still the official record buy.
  12. Tom, I started supporting them when their record buy was John Trewick for 250,000.
  13. What other clubs do is not my concern. Newcastle should pay their players less than half of turnover. I would be proud of the club if it paid maximum 5,000 a week to an individual player - even if it meant getting relegated.
  14. We are generally performing brilliantly. Bottom of the spending league, yet 12th in the Prem??? That's 8 places above what we paid for. I'm enormously proud of the club.
  15. Yeah, thank christ we've got Best - the obvious answer to our striker problem Your wummery skills are weak old man. Do you live in a tree house
  16. Well, one fan cares. Me. And that fan isn't going to change his mind, simply because other people think differently. I'm sure we all agree that if he did that, that would be an act of pathetic weakness. But I don't think the receivers of the money are tossers. It's the chairmen who choose to pay the money, who are tossers, plus any fans who demand that their chairmen pay it.
  17. We signed Leon Best and loads of moronic fans virtually tried to deplete his confidence. Then he shut them up by proving them wrong. And he wasn't very expensive. Touch wood he's not injured next season, and we've not got a striker problem.
  18. The players are happy, yes, but the fans... They are no happier than any other fans.
  19. Honour is on the pitch??? You mean honour is Wayne Rooney earning 150,000 a week, or John Terry??? Nonsense. Honour is doing your best for a sensible salary. Yes, Man U fans will remember with love Wayne Rooney - that superstar who gave his life to Manchester united (well, demanded 150,000 a week to do so)
  20. Dr. Gloom, get stuffed. Tom, yes, Arsenal pay stupid wages, so this severely dents their honorability. However, you can't knock their FEE frugality.
  21. I'm not a wum. They won't win any trophies, unless they are very lucky and stumble their way to a cup win like Birmingham. That's the case with 99.99% of clubs in England. thanks to Arsenal there is one club capable of winning the league, in what i consider to be an honorable fashion, i.e. not spending stupid amounts of money. But the other teams that can, big deal.
  22. sorry if some of these are on loan from Prem clubs or something, but this is my choice... Don Cowie (Watford) Albert Adomah (Bristol City) James Coppinger (Doncaster (and at this point I'd better mention that I know that he's already played for us, because of knuckle-dragging idiots who think that if you don't mention it, you can't know it and must be an idiot) Peter Wittingham (Cardiff City) Lewiss McGugan (Nottingham FOrest) Danny Graham (Watford) Shane Long (Reading) Luciano Becchio (Leeds) James Henry (Millwall) Chris Burke (Cardiff City) Jay Borthroyd (Cardiff) Max Gradel (Leeds) Billy Sharp (Doncaster) Andy King (Leicester) Steve Morrison (Millwall)
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