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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Montella, Niell, Lauren and Carew, there's 4 off the top of my head who would walk into our starting line up, and were all relatively cheap.
  2. The fact nobody has explained their reasons suggests you guys can't really think. Probably to do with him having a rubbish record before 2006, or missing a few sitters? No I just think he slows down the majority of attacks.
  3. Does he still live in your attic? As if Jon let him that close to the house. Garden shed, more like. That's where he keeps the bodies...
  4. Does he still live in your attic?
  5. I'd rather he was forced to retire tbh.
  6. Long medical, or do they normally take this long?
  7. Mark

    Man Utd

    put a bet on when I was pissed last night, if Man U win this it then Boro have lost me 117 quid!
  8. She's in one of my modules, dunno who she is though.
  9. you deem this thread worthy of protection? This thread? The one about bum hair? ohhkaaaaayy................. Don't post in then? Loser boy. You get picked on over the internet, how fucking cool are you? All over the internet, too. It's a multi-pronged SAD ATTACK. Meenzer you should chin him. I've half a mind to pink-handbag him into the middle of the next week, I'm that seething. what a couple of bandits you two are Gay and proud mate. Gay and proud!
  10. you deem this thread worthy of protection? This thread? The one about bum hair? ohhkaaaaayy................. Don't post in then? Loser boy. You get picked on over the internet, how fucking cool are you? All over the internet, too. It's a multi-pronged SAD ATTACK. Meenzer you should chin him. I've half a mind to pink-handbag him into the middle of the next week, I'm that seething. Fucking hell mate, calm it, calm it!
  11. you deem this thread worthy of protection? This thread? The one about bum hair? ohhkaaaaayy................. Don't post in then? Loser boy. You get picked on over the internet, how fucking cool are you? All over the internet, too. It's a multi-pronged SAD ATTACK. Meenzer you should chin him.
  12. Go to bed then.... Fuck off you twat, Radgi is more welcome to post her drunken ramblings than your inept snobbery on here any day of the year! Calm the fuck down 2J son.
  13. you deem this thread worthy of protection? This thread? The one about bum hair? ohhkaaaaayy................. Don't post in then? Loser boy. You get picked on over the internet, how fucking cool are you?
  14. Mark


    Gemmil takes it like a reet beast, swear down.
  15. Is there a way of banning a certain person from posting in your thread?
  16. Anyone else's bumhair ever get in a knot? Mine does, amazing. Sylvester Stallone star rolling it aiiiiiiii
  17. It's amazing, you'd love it Gemmil.
  18. me too heating is on the blink again so I am wearing the dog to keep me warm Fleecy gloves £1 Water bottle £1 I have put the dog down now my oil radiators have kicked in My sack is still tigh as fuck.
  19. You should have asked my dad There was bother outside the Tree early on actually. Sounds like mebbes it was the same scallies cos there were police all over the place. They must have just migrated down to Chevs. I was down the Tree until about half 8ish and I didn't see any bother, like. The owner really missed a trick with this tickets only thing. I know they usually do it every year but he got 400 printed then decided to only sell 200 of them. I heard it was dead pretty much all night? It wasn't dead but it was nowhere near as heaving as it normally would be of a new year. Canny night actually with me fatha and some mates. You were probably there when we got in actually. He would have been the emo slitting his wrists in the corner next to the toilets.
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