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Everything posted by Mark

  1. You want me to burn? No. So you love me really? Prefer Andy Hunter tbh. Aye, he's cool as fish that lad. Above-average cock, too. Doubt it like.
  2. You want me to burn? No. So you love me really? Prefer Andy Hunter tbh. Aye, he's cool as fish that lad.
  3. He got away with a caution as far as I know cos he "had no previous" (he had loads actually but no-one ever pressed charges) I think he may have also had a couple of coppers have a Quiet Word with him as he didn't realise he was dealing with the family of a high-up and well respected sarge when he smacked my brother. What happened New Year like? I was in the Tree but my brother popped down there for a quick drink with his mates before midnight - he didn't mention owt At about 1am it all kicked off, some pointless argument, turned into a massive brawl. Outside there was a few riot vans, copper cars, police dogs, loads of cops. Few tossers got arrested like, but there was half of the known scallys from Washington in there, so it was inevitable something would happen. It was good craic till then though. We couldn't get tickets for the Tree.
  4. Yee-hah! Whats the one in town with the mechanised bull? Buffalo Bills or something. although on the plus side, it keeps all the scum out of the areas of Newcastle that I go to. Which can only be a good thing. Buffalo Joe's? I haven't been like. I don't need to stick my hand in flame to know it'll hurt. Fucking awful bar, I can't think of enough bad things to say about that place. If I ever go in there again I want shooting. I'm proud to say I have never set foot in the place! That's not what I've heard. BTW, did anything ever happen to the bloke that hit your brother in chevies? It all kicked off there at new year. Seems to be getting rougher every week that place.
  5. You want me to burn? No. So you love me really?
  6. and just stand there? Do some starjumps. I'll probably get raped, I live in Washington you know.
  7. and just stand there?
  8. I'm sitting here with a coat on, jumper, heating on full. I'm fuckign numb I tell thee, probably warmer outside.
  9. Good once all the cretins leave to go further up the Bigg Market. I've been in a few times due to the missus unhealthy obsession with 80's music and before 11pm it's like a night at the New Monkey. The Sports Bar seem's ok-ish. I rate the Union Rooms too for the simple fact it's got cheap lager and the upstairs isn't too bad. I was joking tbh. You couldn't pay me enough. If your lass likes 80s music that much, stick some on her ipod and take her to a decent bar. Thank fuck for that I don't like the downstairs, typical 'Spoons. Cramped, full of posers and no music. The upstairs is a bit better because it's not as cramped and only half full of posers. Typical 'Spoons is not full of posers, full of fucking scruffs in my experience. Loyds in the gate is canny, as they have music, the clientelle is a bit rough like. It's horrible. Agree about the clientelle though. Whats the craic with the ? Good point. It's a horrible place though. It's no Sam Jack's tbf. Sam Jack's is alreet IMO. Got free shots last time I went in, the barmaid blatantly fancied me tbh.
  10. Good once all the cretins leave to go further up the Bigg Market. I've been in a few times due to the missus unhealthy obsession with 80's music and before 11pm it's like a night at the New Monkey. The Sports Bar seem's ok-ish. I rate the Union Rooms too for the simple fact it's got cheap lager and the upstairs isn't too bad. I was joking tbh. You couldn't pay me enough. If your lass likes 80s music that much, stick some on her ipod and take her to a decent bar. Thank fuck for that I don't like the downstairs, typical 'Spoons. Cramped, full of posers and no music. The upstairs is a bit better because it's not as cramped and only half full of posers. Typical 'Spoons is not full of posers, full of fucking scruffs in my experience. Loyds in the gate is canny, as they have music, the clientelle is a bit rough like. It's horrible. Agree about the clientelle though. Whats the craic with the ?
  11. Good once all the cretins leave to go further up the Bigg Market. I've been in a few times due to the missus unhealthy obsession with 80's music and before 11pm it's like a night at the New Monkey. The Sports Bar seem's ok-ish. I rate the Union Rooms too for the simple fact it's got cheap lager and the upstairs isn't too bad. I was joking tbh. You couldn't pay me enough. If your lass likes 80s music that much, stick some on her ipod and take her to a decent bar. Thank fuck for that I don't like the downstairs, typical 'Spoons. Cramped, full of posers and no music. The upstairs is a bit better because it's not as cramped and only half full of posers. Typical 'Spoons is not full of posers, full of fucking scruffs in my experience. Loyds in the gate is canny, as they have music, the clientelle is a bit rough like.
  12. So that statement he came out with yesterday was bullshit then....
  13. Seen a topic on the SMB discussing ones in Sunderland, but I've modified it. I reckon most of the bars are pretty shite tbh. Sports Bar/Players is good though, Revolution is good too as is Long Bar but it's always packed.
  14. Glenn doesn't even know if the players club will let him go ffs. So basically its just an enquiry?
  15. Probably because we struggle to create anything.
  16. Patrokles and Vic should have a fight outside of the Haymarket today at 2pm
  17. Mark

    My mate

    I'm trying to eat here lads. Talk about something nicer please.
  18. Just put a bet on Nadal to win at 5/4. Murray will fuck it up.
  19. If you can't handle the pressure that you might aswell just retire.
  20. Bollocks, its just non-alcoholic that's all. Any bloke who likes the taste of J20 deserves to be female. It's just orange juice innit?
  21. BTW did anyone else used to think it was "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLAZIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"? Yeah, and I still did until this post, what was it?
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