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About Radgina

  • Birthday 08/01/1947

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  • Location
    outer charvaville

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  2. Radgina


    Cheers for putting the Peasepud thought in my head ......... Bleurghh
  3. Radgina


    Haven't posted here for a long time but felt I had to today after hearing this tragic news . Such a shame and so young , condolences to all his friends and family , RIP Jon xx
  4. Reflective.......thinking Jaysus how long is it since I've ventured onto TT and it would appear, like MartyMcFly, i am "back" to the future
  5. Off out tonight for " an evening with Suggs" , few beverages in town before and after , be rude not to , most likely at the Gateshead match tommorrow , then to pub to watch ours , then over to St Doms for a Northern Soul night ..........I may just chill on Sunday
  6. Whats the crack with your arm Tom ?? ( no pun intended )
  7. Only that I'm pregnant and don't know who the father is. I thought I warned you about swallowing Mr Hips.........
  8. Cheers chitlins had a canny auld celebration, owt occurin I need to know ????
  9. Show them chebs and they are anyones TR ...tsk I s'pose Gina, but hey my hubby likes Big Breasts but not false over inflated balloons!! To be fair, that's pretty much what me and Stevie have said. Don't be tarring us all with the same brush, woman! Yes you are excused, but like Gina said....you are older and wiser
  10. Show them chebs and they are anyones TR ...tsk I s'pose Gina, but hey my hubby likes Big Breasts but not false over inflated balloons!! They are young , they will learn
  11. Show them chebs and they are anyones TR ...tsk
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