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Everything posted by Nefilim

  1. Nefilim


    tokatzen bazaitut ukabilkada emango zaitut itsasora.
  2. Nefilim


    Speak some more Basque!!!
  3. Nefilim


    Can you speak Basque? No you have the rightto take the piss
  4. Nefilim


    Danish isn't Korean either.
  5. How are you going to kill the invaders? Strong language and nice words, or a bullet?
  6. Nefilim


    Only met him once, he cooked us the meal - suckling lamb, potatoes veg He spoke to me in Basque, I didnt know spanish then. So we weren't close.
  7. My Dad voted Blair in 96. I'm spoiling my ballot. X Why vote for tory Dick Weed?
  8. Look around your area, Has your vote improved that area? Bob Seeley(IOW) Write to these cunts (Failed infrstuture, always flooding, crashes, railway doesnt work £6M Bridge that's always failed
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Abdulrahman_al-Awlaki USA was not at war with Yemen. Illegal drone strike, illegal attack on Yemen.
  10. https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/is-it-legal-for-the-u-s-to-kill-a-16-year-old-u-s-citizen-with-a-drone/
  11. Trolls Everyone failing Watched that. Nothing learnered. Thanks
  12. Notice he doesn't answer his first question...
  13. I thought the same whe I saw his name. I watched it and he's very sensible.
  14. How do you feel about antitrust laws? Is it fair that Walmart/Tesco/Asda stay open, but our Nan's corner shop is closed. That's not fair.
  15. Watching this... Is society not allowed to just pull out from warfare and death - that's what Eric Prince did. There are no winners in Iraq - you are a loser sending this. Is society not allowed to voice no for war anymore?
  16. So the fat guy in the suit making funnies, is good?
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havana_syndrome
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