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Everything posted by Nefilim

  1. Best English LB's -- Lewis Hall, T Mitchell Tindall could win a Euros with this talent ffs.
  2. Stop blaming Southgate - he's an FA Brand ambassador. Steve Holland had Walker to CB becuase he watched Conte play Azplicueta in that role. Against Australia home - Trent played that inverted fb role, but Gallagher and Henerson got in the way. Harry Kane cannot press. Thomas Muller leads a high press for Bayern, and it was so easy for Kross to dictate a game.
  3. Caught you on a bad day I guess. The Fauci-Beagle stuff is very easy to learn about, same as his links to the Ebola virus and AIDS virus. Once upon a time Josef Mengele existed, the Japanese where notorious for being rather sadistic .
  4. Please don't research Dr. Fauci cutting Beagles vocal cords - so they couldn't bark - whilst he forced these dogs to be bitten by toxic mosquitos. https://x.com/_APWK_/status/1797880551212450118 https://x.com/i/status/1797662427833942463 No fan of MGT - but Fauci was happy and proud to stand behind his science. Robert Fauci is heavily envolved in Ebola and AIDS odly enough...
  5. Can see happy Bruno staying for the forseeable future, but he'll use a release clause and 'media demand' to be on the big bucks. Same with Isak to an extent - every window they'll be shitbag pieces, pundits and Youtube view merchants linking Bruno and Isak away. No club in the world would pay what we'd ask on a free market, but see they'll always be a low release clause to allow him an easy get out if we stop paying what he's worth. Bruno's a £150-200M footballer in this market. 2nd best Bruno is on 300k a week at least? - Enzo, Caicedo, Lavia all gone to Chelsea for big fees and on bigger contracts you'd think. Haaland always had low release clause since he was at Molde, and has leveraged that to now command fortunes at City. Mbappe this summer is prime example - Madrid has been lined up for best part of 3 years. Chelsea spunking £100M fees is not the system, the best players will retain their value and eventually get it. If Bruno is still playing for us when he's 30, we will be paying him at least 300K a week - if not, we'll have lost him for under £100m.
  6. Nefilim


    Only until a couple of years ago I appreciated how good of a player Gazza was!
  7. This is the only forum I've ever known where a mod changes and fucks with posters posts. It must be because of my micropenis?
  8. If you owned Mar a Lago, how much would you sell it for?
  9. 98% of the Towns and Cities in the entierty of the UK are dead on the arse. Can we agree on that before?
  10. Sorry Fish, I posted wrong thing media
  11. Have you seen the state of Paris?
  12. Huge parts of our country are on levels of poverty comaped to ex Soviet Union.
  13. More power to you then. Look at the biggest Romani slum is in 2019 wow 2024 has UK become better? You obviously know where you live has become a massive shithole, and gone down rapidly since Blair - you won't admit it
  14. I've never had had an ex, but try again...
  15. Fair does. I'll have have to learn Russian.
  16. If I asked your wife to shag you again, would you leave me alone?
  17. This country is now a failed society.
  18. Would you say this standing infront of me?
  19. Nefilim


    42 Grams Sergio Herman - Fucking Ferfect Gordan Ramsay - Boiling Point This is 42 grams...
  20. Nefilim


    His scumbag girlfriend shagged off and sued him
  21. Nefilim


    Can I drag this thread back to cooking
  22. Nefilim


    I'll ask friend for memes.... Not fucked translating, if you can't get fuck that - then fuvk ovv
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