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Posts posted by TheMoog

  1. If these names being mentioned are for 'cover' then great.


    But if they are mentioned for 1st team places then am afraid his choice in signings are shit,with the money available we should be going for the likes of what Man Utd have just bought and not the Nonda's of this world ;)



    Then there is Barton,the sad thing is that most on here are happy with this lot being mentioned.




    It's a building process and we need to be realistic, all the players we've been linked with would improve our squad and first team, I'd love us to sign Nani and Anderson but why would they even consider coming here?! :secret:


    True, I can't see many 'top' players wanting to come here in our current state (with no European footy) but I think some of the names we're being linked with is scraping the barrel a bit, there MUST be better options available than Nonda surely?! I'd rather we went for Nugent or someone like that tbh.

  2. If these names being mentioned are for 'cover' then great.


    But if they are mentioned for 1st team places then am afraid his choice in signings are shit,with the money available we should be going for the likes of what Man Utd have just bought and not the Nonda's of this world ;)



    Then there is Barton,the sad thing is that most on here are happy with this lot being mentioned.




    That's kind of my point really, just better put :secret:

  3. I reckon someone should give Sam a call a bit sharpish and tell him we don't need to make a team up of half arsed, cheapo players with the new owner around. Don't get me wrong, it's nice that we're getting a few bargains but I don't think we have to scrape the barrel anymore. Nonda? No ta.



    Don't we? Our squad was understaffed last season, add to that the 5 released who were out of contract, the others we want to move on like Parker and the young lads reportedly going out on loan then I think a £2 million offer for Nonda is good business.



    Nail On Head


    I think perhaps that came accross wrong, I know we need to bulk out the squad, without a doubt we've had an ever decreasing squad size over the last 2-3 seasons but what i meant was I don't think getting Nonda is the right area we need to be concentrating on. We need a decent forward to partner Owen or Martins (whoever stays) and then one back striker to sit as reserve or second choice with Shola. If we were talking about extra defenders or the odd midfielder to come in as back then fair enough. I guess we could always use nonda in cup competitions but I can't see him being that good for us in the league.

  4. I like Scotty Parker, always seemed dedicated to every game. There's plenty of others I'd have gotten rid of before him but then if he wants to go and we can get £8.5m for him then I guess it'll have make do. I just hope that we get in someone of equal dedication to the team.


    Incidentally, who's likely to be the new club captain if he goes? Given?

  5. I reckon someone should give Sam a call a bit sharpish and tell him we don't need to make a team up of half arsed, cheapo players with the new owner around. Don't get me wrong, it's nice that we're getting a few bargains but I don't think we have to scrape the barrel anymore. Nonda? No ta.

  6. I'm a little concerned I must admit, Viduka I guess I'm happy enough with - though not as a main striker, not with his injuries. What worries me more though is all this talk about Barton coming our way, I'm not convinced about him, I think he's too much of a risk with the trouble he might cause... though I guess Sam did sort Diouf out.

  7. Seemed to fuck off sharpish the minute Ashley put his hand in his pocket. Probably too busy at the hospital massaging Freddy's bruised ego.


    It won't be his ego he's massaging... :blink:

  8. Fuck it, I'm fed up to the back teeth with the whinging scouse pricks, let them have the little shit - if he can't commit to us openly and this sort of crap is still rumbling on I say ditch him, I'm just really hacked off with hearing about it day in, day out.

  9. £270m over 5 years? £45m to spend on transfers this summer alone?! Christ, I've gotta admit I'm excited by all this, if it's true we could well be close to being a major force in English football - I knew all these years of torment and misery as a toon fan would pay off sooner or later! I suspect that we'll become the next hated team in the country though after Chelsea for buying success... but who gives a shit?! :blink:

  10. If we only give Sam one season we deserve to do badly, obviously if he got us near relegation then fair enough but I just can't see that happening. Plus with the whole takeover thing going on it could be that he's hamstrung before the season even starts. We need to get a structure in place, Sam's the man to do that but he'll need a good couple of seasons I'd have thought - same old shite from NUFC.

  11. Could it be that we're about to enter dreamland of being able to compete for some of the best players in the world? Give it a season or two, if we can get back in to the Champs League we could sign nearly anyone... *drools*


    Who would be in your Newcastle Utd dream team (obviously allowing for players wanting to leave their current clubs and nothing too outlandish in pricing)?

  12. Lots of talk about various strikers going here, there and everywhere this morning. Got in late to work to find the Spuds fan that sits behind me getting most irrate with the Man Utd fan opposite him because of the rumours about Berbatov going for £27.5m + Saha. Then there's Eider Gudjohnsen leaving Barca for the dizzy heights of the Mackems, Eto going to Liverpool and Batista floating about without a set destination. Someone also mentioned to me that there's rumours that if Berbatov went to Man Utd we might try for Torres - I'd eat my hat if he came here though :D

  13. Frustration As Liverpool Lose Final


    Updated: 22:25, Wednesday May 23, 2007

    Liverpool have lost the Champions League final 2-1 to AC Milan with some supporters prevented from entering the Olympic Stadium in Athens during clashes with riot police over crowd congestion.

    Down and out in Athens


    After passing through an initial cordon, where they had to show their tickets, fans went through a second one where they were checked for authenticity.


    Then after walking across the Olympic complex, as they neared the stadium, they were funnelled between police buses and severe bottlenecks built up as Greek police urged them to slow down.


    Riot police moved in behind the bottleneck on the concourse to stop other fans joining it.


    In the end at least 2,000 fans were still outside as kick-off time approached, and disorder erupted as they chased up staircases to try to get into the ground in any way possible.


    Kenny Roberts, 19, from Norris Green, Liverpool, said: "I've got no chance of using my ticket now. I've been teargassed and hit on the back of the head by the police.


    I've paid good money for that ticket, I'm a season ticket holder, and this is just disgraceful. It's terrible organisation."


    Fans were held back on two staircases leading to an upper level outside the ground, and there were sporadic flare-ups with riot police, who used their sticks on the fans when they tried to break through.


    One of the riot police officers told fans: "It's not our fault, we've been told the stadium is full."


    Two Liverpool fans from Norway paid 3,000 euros each for travel packages including a match ticket but could not get in.


    Rune Loholt, 35, said: "I've heard that fans without valid tickets managed to get past the authorities, and that's why genuine supporters can't get in.


    "It's a real disgrace, they've done a lousy job."


    There have been mixed fortunes before kick-off as demand for tickets far outstripped supply.


    Officially, the club had 17,000 tickets. British police said there were 25,000 Reds in Athens - but the club says the figure was more likely to be 40,000.


    When will they ever learn?


    Look out for that slab!!! ;)

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