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Posts posted by TheMoog

  1. Totally agree with Happy Face about the football (wankers is a bit harsh). Thought we were the better side, we looked very good in the first half. The problem in the second was Dyer. The little tit.


    Owen knew how to beat their offside trap and twice showed Milner where to put it and he ended up hitting it long. Few more games together and things would have been different.


    Bollocks. so you're saying that all of the shit games we played this season were because Owen wasn't on the pitch showing the others how to play?


    No. I was referring to two occassions last night where Owen was pointing to where the ball should have been played. Not sure how you made that jump.


    You've got to wonder what the coaching team are doing then if it's taking Owen on the pitch to tell the players what to do...

  2. After the turn-around last season, I actually hoped against hope, that he was the right man for the job.


    But, now I am now wondering how much of that was perhaps actually down to Shearer, what we see now is just insipid and uninspiring.


    I've said that on numerous occasions, it can't be coincidence that we played much better and were more successful with Shearer in the management team. I know that comment's like that will likely bring out all the Shearer haters and their ilk but facts is facts.

  3. Reading have beaten Newcastle United 1-0 on Michael Owen's return from a near career threatening injury, the next day Glenn Roeder is called to Freddy Shepherd's office...


    Shep "Come in Glenn, take a seat"


    Glenn "Thanks. Look, I'm really sorry about last night Mr Shepherd"


    Shep "I'm afraid it's a bit late for that Glenn. We'd like to thank for your efforts but we won't be keeping you on in the role of manager from the end of the this season"


    Glenn "Oh... I see"


    Shep "However, being that you've done a sterling job with the youth team in the past I'd like to offer you your old job back"


    Glenn "Oh... I see"


    Shep "You can go think about it on your way to telling the first team Glenn, take a couple of days off"


    Glenn "Okay... err, thanks or something... injury crisis... blah, blah"


    Glenn gets up and walks out of Freddy's office, Freddy stands up and opens the cupboard door revealling Sam Allardyce holding a tray of pasties.


    Sam "Now Mr Shepherd, we were discussing the large kitty you're going to give me to spend in the summer..."

  4. In a nutshell, "fucking shite".



    What he said


    Milner tried hard, Taylor was ok and if any stupid arse says give Bramble a contract should be fisted by the usless twat!


    Rodent should go, we all know it, sadly it won't happen any time soon though... sickening.

  5. He did well. Much better than I expected from him in his first game, and lasted the full match. He must look around that pitch and wonder what the fuck he's got himself into though. Seriously he must be thinking "How the fuck did it come to this? Liverpool, Real Madrid, and now THIS."


    Sadly I reckon it's more and more likely Owen will leave come the summer, can't say I blame him either as gutting as it is to say it. Newcastle United is dead and buried. :o

  6. Oliver really makes my piss boil, I mean where does he get off spouting all this shite? I mean has it got to the stage where he's lost contact with reality because he's brainwashed himself in to thinking what he's typing out is truth? WE DON'T WANT ROEDER, HE'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

  7. As much as it'd be nice I just can't see him coming to us - it's the same old story how everyone knows our manager isn't good enough, a decent one becomes available but Shepherd won't budge because he's a stupid, fat imbacile with no idea on what's needed to run a football club. Sam will go to Man City, Shepherd will hold a grudge over him turning the job down after Souness was sacked, plus if Shepherd sacks Rodent it'll be 'his' man getting the boot and he won't want that. Shame really, would be nice for us to get back nearer the top of the league...

  8. He's only missed three or four games this season hasn't he?


    What happened to the first option clause we put in when we sold him to Madrid?


    That's assuming he'd want to come back to the Toon, personally I think he's done a Shearer and wants to play for his hometown team regardless of ambition.

  9. Anyhow, in all seriousness Chez Given does have a point but I'm fucked if I know what the real answer is to dealing with these scumbags. A few draconian and enforced laws coupled with a bit of police brutality wouldn't go amiss though.

    People need aspirations - without them they remain disenfranchised from the society they dis-respect and make worse.


    The enfranchisement of the working classes into the political system in the 19th century was all about keeping people in order.


    Needs a modern solution though.


    Which is? There's a fundamental lack of respect for other people in 21st century Britain and it's getting worse as far as I can see. You don't get this shit in Singapore!


    True, there's plenty of other countries that don't have this problem because they still have an element of respect throughout their societies. We've lost ours and it'll be a damn site harder to get it back unless all these stupid laws protecting criminal's rights etc are ditched.


    Me and a mate had a great idea for dealing with all the illegal immigrants and alleged asylum seekers we get coming in to the country, a show like The Running Man where if the contestant gets through they gain entry to the country - I don't see why a similar show wouldn't work for some of the worse charvas. Would be great tele on a Friday night, would be an adequate threat to help drum in to the scum that their actions could lead to their demise. Saying that I'd rather just round them up and shoot them like someone else said, back to the same old problem though as to how do you identify them successfully without picking up random innocents... still, the need of the many outweigh the need of the few and all that jazz :lol:

  10. they were bellowing with great conviction: “Souness out, Roeder in! Souness out, Roeder in!” And promptly got their wish granted. Just as they got their wish granted a short while before when the chant had been the almost sacrilegious: “Robson out! Robson out!”


    What bollocks.


    I don't recall any Robson out chants, just the papers saying that they happened :lol:

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