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Everything posted by Bizza

  1. For a Conservative leader May does like to wear red.
  2. FUCKING GET IN! Darlo Labour hold
  3. Ken Clarke spot on with the brexit referendum there, never should've had it.
  4. More mackems voting tory, fucking thick twats.
  5. 3-0 15k votes for the tories though, fucking mackems.
  6. I'm aware of that, done my bit spamming those stories around Facebook. Not sure if enough people will be aware of it though.
  7. Hope it's enough, UKIP got 5k last time. if that swings to the tories it's theirs
  8. Get in Bridget Why is a Dalek announcing their results?
  9. Only a 2% swing, not great.
  10. Get in! North East Election Result Top Dogs
  11. LD with enough seats to get the tories over the line, fucksake.
  12. Hung parliament according to the exit poll.
  13. http://www.independent.co.uk/News/uk/politics/election-2017-marginal-seats-voters-unable-vote-admin-errors-a7779981.html ffs
  14. How the fuck are we supposed to have fair and free elections in this country with billionaire owned newspapers pumping out shit like that. Fucking hell.
  15. Him wanting her to be straight with people, after talking so much bollocks during the EU referendum. Prick.
  16. Tiote and Peter Sallis. Fucking awful day
  17. Fucking hell, only 30 too. That thunderbastard equalizer against Arsenal will live long in the memory. R.I.P Tiote
  18. Did well despite the barrage of questions hurled at him by people who want to vaporise the planet. Meanwhile May lectured an NHS Nurse about magic money trees.
  19. This is fucking shameful, May got a load of piss easy questions that let her waffle about Brexit and Corbyn has Nukes, IRA, taxes. Fucking bollocks.
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