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Left Wing Idiots

Douggy B

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Edit. The obsession with wanting to know what you do, FOP, is nothing other on the part of the Rentons of this world to [hopefully] fuel his belief that he is superior to you and his desire to show it by virtue of him having a good job, better than yours. He must be some really insecure bloke. I wouldn't worry about it though, he doesn't know what I have done with my life and he won't find out either. :huh:




Massive chip on shoulder stuff tbh.

Has Renton ever divulged his job like? Always presumed he was at Uni/dole.

Yeah, he has.

What does he do then?


I'm a medical guideline writer Stevie, basically I recommend which drug treatments doctors should prescribe on behalf of the NHS.


For the record I don't think it's necessary for people to divulge what they do. The only reason I have bought it up with the all-knowing and all-remembering Fop is he thinks he is an expert on just about every field going. He argues with lawyers about the law, economists about the economy, medics about medicine, and has the brass neck to say he is always right, when the reverse is patently obvious. To top it off, I remember when he said Chez had no right to comment on the pharmaceutical industry because he was an employee of a drug company! Well, if Chez has vested interests at least they're transparent, but that's not the case with Fop.


It comes as no surprise that Leazes has decided to come out and atack me in this thread, if anyone's obsessive it's him about me, despite the fact he knows I don't want anything to do with him. It's interesting too that I'd say those two are the only ones its impossible to have any normal dialogue with, they're simply incapable of seeing any other point of view other than there own, which is why discussion with them is so pointless. There is no-one else like that on this board to my knowledge.

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Edit. The obsession with wanting to know what you do, FOP, is nothing other on the part of the Rentons of this world to [hopefully] fuel his belief that he is superior to you and his desire to show it by virtue of him having a good job, better than yours. He must be some really insecure bloke. I wouldn't worry about it though, he doesn't know what I have done with my life and he won't find out either. :angry:




Massive chip on shoulder stuff tbh.

Has Renton ever divulged his job like? Always presumed he was at Uni/dole.

Yeah, he has.

What does he do then?


I'm a medical guideline writer Stevie, basically I recommend which drug treatments doctors should prescribe on behalf of the NHS.


For the record I don't think it's necessary for people to divulge what they do. The only reason I have bought it up with the all-knowing and all-remembering Fop is he thinks he is an expert on just about every field going. He argues with lawyers about the law, economists about the economy, medics about medicine, and has the brass neck to say he is always right, when the reverse is patently obvious. To top it off, I remember when he said Chez had no right to comment on the pharmaceutical industry because he was an employee of a drug company! Well, if Chez has vested interests at least they're transparent, but that's not the case with Fop.


It comes as no surprise that Leazes has decided to come out and atack me in this thread, if anyone's obsessive it's him about me, despite the fact he knows I don't want anything to do with him. It's interesting too that I'd say those two are the only ones its impossible to have any normal dialogue with, they're simply incapable of seeing any other point of view other than there own, which is why discussion with them is so pointless. There is no-one else like that on this board to my knowledge.


Chezzy can comment all he likes (it'd be nice if he had some idea of what he was saying though when he does), just his bias is very, very clear when he does. ;)


Mind you Renty after the CPU thread it's interesting to see you throwing stones from your glass house again. :huh:



Although we both know it's not really about the issue, it's about the Fop. :razz:

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Your vastly inflated ego is verging on mental illness Fop, really it is. Makes for a good freak show but not a good discussion unfortunately.

And yet so far all we have from you are insults and statements that you don't actually understand/know anything about. :huh:



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Guest Stevie
Edit. The obsession with wanting to know what you do, FOP, is nothing other on the part of the Rentons of this world to [hopefully] fuel his belief that he is superior to you and his desire to show it by virtue of him having a good job, better than yours. He must be some really insecure bloke. I wouldn't worry about it though, he doesn't know what I have done with my life and he won't find out either. :huh:




Massive chip on shoulder stuff tbh.

Has Renton ever divulged his job like? Always presumed he was at Uni/dole.

Yeah, he has.

What does he do then?


I'm a medical guideline writer Stevie, basically I recommend which drug treatments doctors should prescribe on behalf of the NHS.


For the record I don't think it's necessary for people to divulge what they do. The only reason I have bought it up with the all-knowing and all-remembering Fop is he thinks he is an expert on just about every field going. He argues with lawyers about the law, economists about the economy, medics about medicine, and has the brass neck to say he is always right, when the reverse is patently obvious. To top it off, I remember when he said Chez had no right to comment on the pharmaceutical industry because he was an employee of a drug company! Well, if Chez has vested interests at least they're transparent, but that's not the case with Fop.


It comes as no surprise that Leazes has decided to come out and atack me in this thread, if anyone's obsessive it's him about me, despite the fact he knows I don't want anything to do with him. It's interesting too that I'd say those two are the only ones its impossible to have any normal dialogue with, they're simply incapable of seeing any other point of view other than there own, which is why discussion with them is so pointless. There is no-one else like that on this board to my knowledge.

He does always contrive an alternative view like to be fair, but he knows when he's out of his depth particularly about football. Renton can you see if you can recommend mass distribution of MDMA for brummies to cheer them up. Do you think there will ever be a drug like MDMA without noticable side effects which are legal?

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The idea that people would use Toontastic to propagate a commercial vested interest shows the complete lack of perspective the lad has.


It an easy way to counter an expression of personal beliefs when you dont understand them or have not investigated the issues in anything other than a superficial manner to say they reflect a bias or a vested interest. The fact of the matter is that i'm employed by a private company, like the majority of people.


For the record, I'm a keyhole economist when it comes to all distributive questions. If the distribution of Televisions is seen as a fundamental moral issue (hence why i gave you Rawls fop), then we need to understand the micro-economic dynamics of the market mechanism. If the market mechanism fails to deliver 'justice' in the distribution of televisions, then the government should intervene. I use TVs as an example as its a 'good' everyone has but no-one believes that the government 'ought' to ensure that the allocation of TVs is fair across society.


Health, Housing, Education etc are all 'services' whose distribution is considered important, not just how much of the service is produced. The share of the 'service' across society is as important if not more than the total amount we can produce. In this instance, market mechanisms will fail to deliver social objectives as they can produce lots of health resources, lots of housing resources but they cant ensure that they are distributed properly. If we want everyone to have access to health, we cant leave it to the insurance market as this leaves people uninsured and without access and therefore the distribution is not 'equitable'.


The keyhole economist looks to identify where markets fail to acheive social objectives and proposes ways in which alternative (government led) allocation mechanisms can acheive these. When a government intervenes in the allocation of a service then this forms part of its 'social policy' since it believes the distribution of the service has social welfare implications. Where the distribution of a good or service is not important morally, governments let the market do its job, as we dont care who gets it. Like with TVs.


That philosophical approach to social policy is referred to as 'extra-welfarism' and that point of view (admittedly poorly captured here) basically colours most of my social political views. Its consistent, practical and has nothing to do with my work.


Your turn.

Edited by ChezGiven
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He does always contrive an alternative view like to be fair, but he knows when he's out of his depth particularly about football. Renton can you see if you can recommend mass distribution of MDMA for brummies to cheer them up. Do you think there will ever be a drug like MDMA without noticable side effects which are legal?


He doesn't give that impression to me. Not even regarding football, a case in point being his reply to your well-thought out response about what Alex Ferguson inherited at ManU a couple of weeks back. His response was classic Fop, he never acknowledged he's been shown up but tried to reverse it back on you. Anyway, he's basically a first-class wum with too much time on his hands. He lives for the argument and winding people up, I should stop biting.


The MDMA question, I'm not sure, have you asked alex?

Edited by Renton
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The idea that people would use Toontastic to propagate a commercial vested interest shows the complete lack of perspective the lad has.


It an easy way to counter an expression of personal beliefs when you dont understand them or have not investigated the issues in anything other than a superficial manner to say they reflect a bias or a vested interest. The fact of the matter is that i'm employed by a private company, like the majority of people.


For the record, I'm a keyhole economist when it comes to all distributive questions. If the distribution of Televisions is seen as a fundamental moral issue (hence why i gave you Rawls fop), then we need to understand the micro-economic dynamics of the market mechanism. If the market mechanism fails to deliver 'justice' in the distribution of televisions, then the government should intervene. I use TVs as an example as its a 'good' everyone has but no-one believes that the government 'ought' to ensure that the allocation of TVs is fair across society.


Health, Housing, Education etc are all 'services' whose distribution is considered important, not just how much of the service is produced. The share of the 'service' across society is as important if not more than the total amount we can produce. In this instance, market mechanisms will fail to deliver social objectives as they can produce lots of health resources, lots of housing resources but they cant ensure that they are distributed properly. If we want everyone to have access to health, we cant leave it to the insurance market as this leaves people uninsured and without access and therefore the distribution is not 'equitable'.


The keyhole economist looks to identify where markets fail to acheive social objectives and proposes ways in which alternative (government led) allocation mechanisms can acheive these. When a government intervenes in the allocation of a service then this forms part of its 'social policy' since it believes the distribution of the service has social welfare implications. Where the distribution of a good or service is not important morally, governments let the market do its job, as we dont care who gets it. Like with TVs.


That philosophical approach to social policy is referred to as 'extra-welfarism' and that point of view (admittedly poorly captured here) basically colours most of my social political views. Its consistent, practical and has nothing to do with my work.


Your turn.



Just let me know when you want my mate at the drug licensing place to tell you who is trying to license what. $$$ :huh:

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The idea that people would use Toontastic to propagate a commercial vested interest shows the complete lack of perspective the lad has.


It an easy way to counter an expression of personal beliefs when you dont understand them or have not investigated the issues in anything other than a superficial manner to say they reflect a bias or a vested interest. The fact of the matter is that i'm employed by a private company, like the majority of people.


For the record, I'm a keyhole economist when it comes to all distributive questions. If the distribution of Televisions is seen as a fundamental moral issue (hence why i gave you Rawls fop), then we need to understand the micro-economic dynamics of the market mechanism. If the market mechanism fails to deliver 'justice' in the distribution of televisions, then the government should intervene. I use TVs as an example as its a 'good' everyone has but no-one believes that the government 'ought' to ensure that the allocation of TVs is fair across society.


Health, Housing, Education etc are all 'services' whose distribution is considered important, not just how much of the service is produced. The share of the 'service' across society is as important if not more than the total amount we can produce. In this instance, market mechanisms will fail to deliver social objectives as they can produce lots of health resources, lots of housing resources but they cant ensure that they are distributed properly. If we want everyone to have access to health, we cant leave it to the insurance market as this leaves people uninsured and without access and therefore the distribution is not 'equitable'.


The keyhole economist looks to identify where markets fail to acheive social objectives and proposes ways in which alternative (government led) allocation mechanisms can acheive these. When a government intervenes in the allocation of a service then this forms part of its 'social policy' since it believes the distribution of the service has social welfare implications. Where the distribution of a good or service is not important morally, governments let the market do its job, as we dont care who gets it. Like with TVs.


That philosophical approach to social policy is referred to as 'extra-welfarism' and that point of view (admittedly poorly captured here) basically colours most of my social political views. Its consistent, practical and has nothing to do with my work.


Your turn.



Again just using more and more (and more) words to say "I don't actually know what I was on about when I brought up social policy" doesn't actually help. :huh:


Just give it up like Renty has.

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He does always contrive an alternative view like to be fair, but he knows when he's out of his depth particularly about football. Renton can you see if you can recommend mass distribution of MDMA for brummies to cheer them up. Do you think there will ever be a drug like MDMA without noticable side effects which are legal?


He doesn't give that impression to me. Not even regarding football, a case in point being his reply to your well-thought out response about what Alex Ferguson inherited at ManU a couple of weeks back. His response was classic Fop, he never acknowledged he's been shown up but tried to reverse it back on you. Anyway, he's basically a first-class wum with too much time on his hands. He lives for the argument and winding people up, I should stop biting.


The MDMA question, I'm not sure, have you asked alex?


Ah.. the "brass neck" on you Renty.... or actually as Fop suspects maybe you really just don't see it. :huh:

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Tbh Fop I do admit when I'm not clued up about a subject, I think I have even in this thread. Most people on here do, you're an exception.


Keep on making a fool of yourself responding to Chez btw, you might not be able to see it but everyone else can. :huh:

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Tbh Fop I do admit when I'm not clued up about a subject, I think I have even in this thread. Most people on here do, you're an exception.


Keep on making a fool of yourself responding to Chez btw, you might not be able to see it but everyone else can. :huh:


Aye I already said you'd admitted you didn't have a clue what you meant by "social policy", just Chezzy to go now.

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Edit. The obsession with wanting to know what you do, FOP, is nothing other on the part of the Rentons of this world to [hopefully] fuel his belief that he is superior to you and his desire to show it by virtue of him having a good job, better than yours. He must be some really insecure bloke. I wouldn't worry about it though, he doesn't know what I have done with my life and he won't find out either. :icon_lol:




Massive chip on shoulder stuff tbh.


hmmm.......butting in just because I slaughtered you the other week.


I'm quite happy with my life FWIW, and'm prepared to bet that quite a few people on here would be happy with the same.


You can go back to crying to those mancs now, for laughing at your embarrassment caused by that nasty man Freddie Shepherd. Isn't it great that the first attempt to do better has been such a success, are they still laughing at you, poor dear ?


FOP is right, why are you so obsessed to know what he does ?



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Edit. The obsession with wanting to know what you do, FOP, is nothing other on the part of the Rentons of this world to [hopefully] fuel his belief that he is superior to you and his desire to show it by virtue of him having a good job, better than yours. He must be some really insecure bloke. I wouldn't worry about it though, he doesn't know what I have done with my life and he won't find out either. :icon_lol:




Massive chip on shoulder stuff tbh.

Has Renton ever divulged his job like? Always presumed he was at Uni/dole.

Yeah, he has.


But unfortunately for Renty no one cares. <_<


absolutely correct.

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Edit. The obsession with wanting to know what you do, FOP, is nothing other on the part of the Rentons of this world to [hopefully] fuel his belief that he is superior to you and his desire to show it by virtue of him having a good job, better than yours. He must be some really insecure bloke. I wouldn't worry about it though, he doesn't know what I have done with my life and he won't find out either. :icon_lol:




Massive chip on shoulder stuff tbh.

Has Renton ever divulged his job like? Always presumed he was at Uni/dole.

Yeah, he has.

What does he do then?


I'm a medical guideline writer Stevie, basically I recommend which drug treatments doctors should prescribe on behalf of the NHS.


For the record I don't think it's necessary for people to divulge what they do. The only reason I have bought it up with the all-knowing and all-remembering Fop is he thinks he is an expert on just about every field going. He argues with lawyers about the law, economists about the economy, medics about medicine, and has the brass neck to say he is always right, when the reverse is patently obvious. To top it off, I remember when he said Chez had no right to comment on the pharmaceutical industry because he was an employee of a drug company! Well, if Chez has vested interests at least they're transparent, but that's not the case with Fop.


It comes as no surprise that Leazes has decided to come out and atack me in this thread, if anyone's obsessive it's him about me, despite the fact he knows I don't want anything to do with him. It's interesting too that I'd say those two are the only ones its impossible to have any normal dialogue with, they're simply incapable of seeing any other point of view other than there own, which is why discussion with them is so pointless. There is no-one else like that on this board to my knowledge.


maybe its because we are sure of our convictions ? Shame you have been wrong when you disagreed with me quite strongly, why not just admit it instead of looking like such a tit and pretending you "don't want anything to do with me" instead <_<

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Edit. The obsession with wanting to know what you do, FOP, is nothing other on the part of the Rentons of this world to [hopefully] fuel his belief that he is superior to you and his desire to show it by virtue of him having a good job, better than yours. He must be some really insecure bloke. I wouldn't worry about it though, he doesn't know what I have done with my life and he won't find out either. :icon_lol:




Massive chip on shoulder stuff tbh.


hmmm.......butting in just because I slaughtered you the other week.


I'm quite happy with my life FWIW, and'm prepared to bet that quite a few people on here would be happy with the same.


You can go back to crying to those mancs now, for laughing at your embarrassment caused by that nasty man Freddie Shepherd. Isn't it great that the first attempt to do better has been such a success, are they still laughing at you, poor dear ?


FOP is right, why are you so obsessed to know what he does ?






50 year old baby.

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