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I ♥ Daddys Cock

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Everything posted by I ♥ Daddys Cock

  1. Just try and forget about him instead of staring at him longingly
  2. translation please?? anyone? cant you read you utter moron I'm hardley surprised a mackum could read it to be fair cant read or spell , moron
  3. translation please?? anyone? cant you read you utter moron
  4. Got a "Torres" or "Carroll" adult football top? We’ll give you a £50 bet for it – and send it on to someone who really needs it! It's really simple. All you have to do is: 1. Send your shirt to Paddy Power Silver Lining, Unit 4, Capel Close, Fairwood Industrial Park, Leacon Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4GY 2. Include a short note with your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, email address (if you have one) and Paddy Power Username. (If you don’t have a Paddy Power account – open one at www.paddypower.com, it’s easy.) - Shirts must be received by the 1st of March - All shirts must be ADULT sizes with Carroll or Torres plus relevant number on the back We'll do the rest, and let you know when your free bet has been credited to your account! All the shirts collected will be distributed to those who need them around the world. - Please remember to be careful to give us your exact username. - Over 18s only!. - One official replica adult shirt per household. - Free bet stake is not returned in winnings.
  5. Its one thing after another, he just constantly seems to take the piss out of the club and its supporters The latest one leaving the club scraping the barrel seemingly willing to take players like alialidere . But the fans still turn up when most would have thrown in the towel
  6. Need 1 final bid of £20 million pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese
  7. The famous number 9 shirt . the adoration from the fans and the hometown club means nothing when the promise of lots more cash arises Although will be the usual press conference shite tomorrow , like, great opportunity for me , fresh start.Av come here to win trophies Be better if he just came out and said a "will get near 100,000 a week and allsorts of other bonus payments who is daft enough to say no to that !! so a put a transfer request in see yaz"
  8. Of course its a last minute deal. Liverpool are desperate so Ashley is have there pants down but at the same time losing his best player.
  9. hahahahaha shut up man i nearly spilled my drink
  10. I Have just destroyed your shit thread on your shit forum and you dont even realise This place is full of bouycoutters
  11. Aye, they sound damn confident of spending it and strengthening. Obviously DJ Campbell is not for sale in the next ten days, but there is better players than him out there
  12. Them being a selling club and selling their best player I think. Best to sell a player worth 10-12 million tops for up to 24 million and re-invest to strengthen Take the money and move on
  13. So giving Sunderland 4 points out of the next 8 games ? excactly what are you basing this on ? some right toppers knocking about here
  14. Bit above their level isn't he? they should stick to trying to lure Fuller. A think Fuller is a name banded about by people in hope it eases there envy a little bit
  15. Maybe Bests agent could put the feelers out to sunderland to see if he can get a move if they need a striker
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