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Lake Bells tits

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Everything posted by Lake Bells tits

  1. Im not saying I have superior fotball knowledge to Pardew. Im saying most of the PL managers do by the looks of it. This is not a recent malaise, the signs where there for all to see even last season where alot of scrapy wins papered over the cracks. Long-term, if you dont play decent fotball eventually luck catches up to you. SBR said it best when he stated that results and luck are temporary and cant be relied upon, its all in the performance. Play well and the results will come. If you have a clear philosophy eventually you will come through. This years performances are no different than last seasons, except we are not getting lucky wins anymore. Actually it could be argued we are getting the results we deserve... Coupled with an underwhelming summer and continental players fed up with being lied to about playing style and chronic whiplashes from all the hoofballs and there you have it. Feed into the "player X is missing " every time we play and you miss the glaring truth. Its a philosophical and system issue, it has nothing to do with 1 or 2 players missing. Hell, every PL team struggle with this every week. They dont turtle up as a result.
  2. You seem awfully proud of wearing a suit to work J69
  3. I Support our team, but I wont stand by a manager who has such blatant shortcomings as Pardew. 10 years into his managerial career he found himself sacked by a third tier club. If there is any talent there, seems like very few have been aware of it before. The reasons for our shite season is as you say piling up, but its all due to the turgid fotballing philosophy of Pards. Players hate it, we dont have the defense for it, frustration is building because poor moral gets coupled with poor form ( which is no coincidence and ultimately something the manager is responsible for). We can try prozone-analyzing the shit out of every little thing that has gone wrong this season, but for me its staring us right in the eye. Our Manager has no clue how to retain and coach possession and build-up play. True, under Ashley we might well struggle to find a good replacement - but thats not a fans job, trying to find better options. Our current manager is not good enough. If i was Ben Arfa or Cisse I would be on the phone with my agent months ago yelling " Get me out of yurr"
  4. Sure, but with our current team of internationals there should be a way to play more interesting fotball than this.
  5. I guess after a few months in the cage, a Macdonalds meal feels worthy of at least one michelin star.
  6. I cant disagree with the fact that the summer did us over, but you cant blame ashley for the poor physical condition, shit tactics and turgid fotball. Blaming it on the squad is burrowing the head in the sand. A lot of lesser clubs serve up far better fotball at the moment with weaker squads. There is no excuse for this, least of all lack of spending in the summer market.
  7. Bullshit, many of our games were eerily similar to the shit we have served up in the two last games (or the entire season for that matter). The difference is, we are now getting the results we deserve. We got away with it last year but when you play turgid fotball you are not going to be successful in the long run. Your luck is bound to run out or the other teams find you out. Or both. Pardew always starts out well in his clubs then faeces hits the proverbial, looks like that time has come to tyneside at least. I predicted this last year and made no friends in doing so, but it seems to be happening at last. Cant say Im happy to be right, unfortunately i cant see many positives as long as ashley is owning the club...
  8. The discount no doubt having to do with the "unusual" torso size you are sporting. Did you find it in the jacket or camping tent section?
  9. Do you think we will ever cough up flowing fotball while Pardew is at the helm? All we can ever hope for is scrapey 1-0 wins at best. We have the best midfield in 10 years with cabaye Tiote and Ben Arfa amongst some and we are getting run over every weekend by shite teams who operate on 20% of our budget. Imagine what Laudrup could do with our resources. Start playing fotball for one thing. Maybe pardew will prove me wrong but Ive stopped listening to his patter as he is talking pish - Ill judge him on what I see on the pitch from now on. Fat Sam was fired because his fotball didnt entertain Ashley. Is he being entertained now, I wonder?
  10. She should have referred to the fact that she is in a relationship with one of his direct competitors to the job and assigned someone else to help him. That would have been the right way to do it. Helping him tailor an application to mimic excactly what they were looking for would make my piss boil. The fact that she didnt tell you about it either makes everything even worse.
  11. 20 hours on a sweaty bus to see the reserves kick a ball around... where do I sign up
  12. and Nile ranger "Simo is a legend" Yeah legend for cheating on his pregnant girlfriend and mother of his child...
  13. Schmexiest woman in the world. Saggier than J69`s mantits.
  14. Injuries and out of form players then - what does it take for him to wake up and smell the coffee beans? A 0-4 battering at home? I would never want my own team to lose but...
  15. Agree to disagree I guess, granted we had plenty of moments where individual brilliance shone through but with the players we have at our disposal that was always going to happen regardless of what manager is in charge. As a team, we defended well which is no surprise when we set up that way - but offensively there was alot to be desired tbh. Games where we genuinely played well? On the back of my head - Manure at home, stoke away... probably a few more but the season as a whole - no. easy to don the rose tinted glasses when you end the season on 65 points, but for me I saw the signs last season - we lack a plan going forward - there is no game plan which is no surprise given that we work on defense 4 days a week and leave the friday afternoon to carver to think up something going forward. They let that cat out of the bag after our 12 game unbeaten run, I bet they regret lifting the lid on that now. Oops
  16. Changed your nick? I recognize that avatar anywhere... as Morgan freeman so aptly put it...
  17. I thought we played dire even during our unbeaten run at the start of last season, however the results made many people forget about the performances rather quickly. Then we had a really bad string of games before we finally saw a few decent games at the end of the season, possibly because pardew seemed to let a sigh of relief out since our points tally were adequate anyway. I want to see us try to win every game not attempting to prevent a loss every single weekend. You can accuse sam allardyce of many things but at least there is a clear plan to his hoofball. We look clueless.
  18. Been a fan since 96. Watched first 7-8 games this season but it keeps getting worse, sides we are supposed to be vastly superior to play us off the park and manage to string passes together in a way we seem to have forgotten how to... There were loads of individual flashes of brilliance last year but it seems to have all but disappeared over the summer. Loss of self-esteem or loss of faith in the manager perhaps? Fans are a fickle bunch, if your team cough up turgid performances week after week you end up not watching sooner or later. Im approachng that cliff at an alarming rate.
  19. But do you regard it an inaccurate observation?
  20. Constantly catching myself forgetting our games nowadays, I do check the result but Im feeling strangely indifferent really. As for the actual games they give me little pleasure anymore, Im a newcastle fan but Im also a fotball fan and sadly we provide little visual pleasure when it comes to the latter. Two years in charge and we seem to be regressing with a team full of internationals. Blame should be placed on the board for not strengthening in the summer but our first 11 should be good enough to play some decent fotball. Lesser teams certainly seem to do it to a larger degree than us. Pardew has stated he wants to play it on the ground, and I have no doubt he does. But does the man have it in him to coach it into the players? The man is in his 50s now, even old dogs can learn new tricks - but is there any empirical evidence as to if he has actually ever done it? Last years results did well to paper over the cracks as we often were as cack to watch then as we are now. We are getting the results we deserve this season, or other teams have found us out. Where do we go from here, I wonder.
  21. Pardews wet dream would be 4 defensive midfielders and two carrolls up top.
  22. If I have I question about whether to get an X-box or a PS2 Ill let you know Andrew. In the mean time, fuck off back to the gaming forum.
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