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Everything posted by Magma

  1. Andy Carroll on for Ameobi
  2. N'zogbia is on the bench
  3. Penalty and a Red Card FUCKING NO WAY!
  4. Magma


    do us all a favour, turn off your computer off by the wall, open the window and through it out.
  5. Cheers everyone, haven't booked another one yet but I'm not going 2 tell you when and what time so no point in asking.
  6. My brother went to School with Matty Patterson And my brother's mate's family is moving next door to Sir Bobby Robson
  7. When you get your next test date don't tell anyone. Go to the test, pass it, then announce it. Little bit less pressure. Yeah I will do
  8. Been a couple of hours since the test and I've completely forgotten about it, as everyone is saying I should keep on going and carry on taking tests which I'm am. And I cant wait 2 pass my test hate being a bloody learner.
  9. I never knocked the mirror off the car, I just clipped it. Didn't damage my instructors mirror either.
  10. Failed my test, hit a fucking wing mirror on a parked car, got my test terminated and I'm proper gutted
  11. Costs me £19 for a lesson, but I'm taking mine with the AA and the first lesson you have is free.
  12. And this time I will show up!
  13. Shouldn't you be at Heworth Metro sorting out your bus pass for work? And thanks Sorted it at 2 o'clock Anyways I'm off to earn myself some money at work!
  14. Glad you's enjoyed your match!
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