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Posts posted by Andrew

  1. On 16/07/2024 at 19:58, Holden McGroin said:

    Emile Smith Rowe looks like he is off.


    id take a punt on him and let Eddie work his magic. He can cover lots of positions as well. 


    Looks like he's going to fulham, which feels right, he sounds like a fulham player.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 20 hours ago, JawD said:

    I think this is why I've slid quietly back here 🐮talking NUFC on twitter is just hard fucking work.  No one has a balanced view (on any subject tbf).

    In other news, a couple of conversations I've had recently suggested that on Amanda, part of her issue was being a scatter brain.  They would all agree a plan on something and she would go "off plan" easily.  Then on Eddie Howe, suggestions they are pushing him to change his training approach (but with input from new nutrition and performance people) as over training part (not only) cause of injuries (I think most of us would have guessed this bit).



    See this is why I've shy'd away from the full on "back eddie" stuff since the new people came in.


    There was clearly something wrong last season, the injuries were insane but the re-injury rate was incredible. From the outside looking in its a fairly easy conclusion to jump to that the players were being pushed too hard.

    Gordon and Hall have both said since they signed that they weren't "eddie howe fit" when they arrived, and it took both of them quite a long time to get there. These are already professional footballers, its not like one of us rocking up.


    If (this is a big if and pure speculation on my part) the performance whatever bloke has come in and looked at the data from last season and suggested to howe that he might need to rethink his training intensity and Howes response has been to flex his muscles a bit in the press with the england job and his "im happy here as long as im backed and allowed to do what i want" thing then thats not a good thing on his part.

    • Like 8
  3. 1 hour ago, Christmas Tree said:

    Also in a vape shop in the galleries yesterday and beneath the display of vapes was a glass shelf containing many coloured beads that a young woman was admiring.


    My daughter is quite into Taylor Swift and sharing friendship bands made of beads with other swiftees is quite a big thing.


    So I mozied over next to the young woman and bent down for a closer look, only to discover a sign saying “nipple rings”. :lol: 


    She must have thought I was a right purve :) 


    Tim And Eric Smile GIF


    You are actually just a sitcom character arent you? 

    • Haha 8
  4. 1 hour ago, Christmas Tree said:

    The red training gear is beautiful.

    Aye, and thanks to us having a real commercial team nowadays I could actually buy some of it out here!

    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, Ayatollah Hermione said:

    Are we sure that Eales doesn’t want his own man though? 


    Given that he was at Spurs when they appointed Vilas Boas, Sherwood and eventually Poch(though eales left a few months after that one) I would say I hope not.


    Mitchells the one to look out for.


    I'd be shocked if either were stupid enough to let Howe go unless we're doing really shit though.

    • Like 1
  6. I'll be shocked if Howe goes for several reasons.


    He's on the up as a club manager and is at a club with tons of ambition and (rules aside) resources to keep growing.


    In his sit down interview with Neville you can tell that he slots into that "football perv" niche that the top managers do, he fucking LOVES it, training, planning all of it. He'd miss it if he stepped into the international job.


    It takes a while for players to settle into Howes way of playing and training. Bruno took a while to get into the starting line up, Gordon has said he was not at the level needed physically or tactically when he joined us, hence needing 6 months to really get into the side at all. You don't get to do that with international players.


    Given how the club were with Man U and Ashworth, and the fact that Howe signed a contract extension last summer, we'll want a fucking fortune for him.


    The only thing I could think of that might tempt him, is that he would be getting the job right at the start of a tournament cycle, with a really talented group of players and he may back himself to go to the World Cup with them and actually win it.

    • Like 7
  7. I don't mind the idea of it being Carsley tbh, won the U21 Euros last summer with Gordon getting player of the tournament.


    De la Fuente just came up through the age ranks at Spain and won the Euros.

    • Like 4
  8. 29 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

    He’s done a lot more good than bad for England. Fuck knows what the average England fan thinks they’re entitled to given the record of the previous half dozen…


    I want a manager that has an apparent plan for the players we have.


    Southgate had a plan for a while, but when he had to pick a different squad as time moved on he just seemed to give up on having one at all. That Kalvin Phillips quote is it in a nutshell.


    I dont care enough about the england team to watch "results are all that matters" football, I gave up on this euros by slovakia. When you can get the same entertainment from checking the result after the match is over that you can from watching it whats the point?

    • Like 6
  9. 1 hour ago, Christmas Tree said:

    In my opinion, I would delete all of those images off Toontastic. 

    I don't really agree, I think a reminder of the kind of people who DO follow football, go to games and think like this is necessary once in a while.


    I leave it to the discretion of the posters though.

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