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Everything posted by ClubSpinDoctor

  1. Pleasing thing was that there was less than 48k there today. Still too high but a step in the right direction.
  2. Celebrating me leaving is preferable to celebrating bombs you fuckin ira supporting shit bag cunt
  3. No problem, needn't tell me twice. Another one bites the dust
  4. No requests then? Because mine would have been funnier
  5. Swap him for bullard http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/46821000/jpg/_46821136_bullard512.jpg
  6. You're both wrong. Thought Perez did well too
  7. Wonder which passenger of our rudderless ship decides whether to renew his contract
  8. And so has Carver so far. That's 1 win out of 5. It wasn't the most assured of performances either. We didn't create a great deal and looked shaky at the back. It was just one of those days where things went our way. Fair play, if he can put a run together I'll give him some credit.
  9. Well he has just come back from africa
  10. Is he ever going to give Santon a run out?
  11. Don't be daft, he'll be judged on his media handling and propaganda ability, not his results
  12. Goooooooallll. Who said sub him for cisse?
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent#Number_of_continents There's a 4,5,6 and 7 continent model and none have Australia as Asian.
  14. Meyler's challenge on Cabella was naughty as well.
  15. 3 months ago he'd have been sat in his tracksuit watching Gouffran protect his left back
  16. We'll be good in the medium to long term though
  17. Almost put in the embarrassing position of our fans applauding after they score
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