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trooper last won the day on August 22 2021

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About trooper

  • Birthday 08/19/1959

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    Dark Side Of The Moon

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  1. trooper

    I'm Back

    Yeah all good Ewerk I just needed a bit of a break
  2. trooper

    I'm Back

    So your still here you old twat 😁
  3. trooper

    I'm Back

    Hi Meenz how you doing mate
  4. trooper

    I'm Back

    Cheers Alex it's nice to be back mate
  5. trooper

    I'm Back

    Aye aye lads I'm back, I hope your all OK. Right let's see what's been going on.
  6. An old mate of mine posted these about an hour ago. They look like they're directly above SJP
  7. Just got my Father's Day present off the kids
  8. The Commons voted overwhelmingly in support of the report, by 354 to seven
  9. Starmer should read all their names out at PMQ's on Wednesday & watch the bastards squirm
  10. All of them should be named & shamed the bustards
  11. Hopefully all this will be stopped for the lying twat Personal security Former prime ministers continue to receive publicly-funded security from specialist police protection officers. They are also entitled to an official chauffeur-driven government car. Legal representation Former ministers are entitled to public funding for legal support if they are sued over decisions they took whilst in government. Annual PM allowance All former prime ministers since John Major have been entitled to a yearly £115,000 allowance to support their "special position in public life". Annual PM allowance All former prime ministers since John Major have been entitled to a yearly £115,000 allowance to support their "special position in public life
  12. “I can’t believe we would have gone ahead with an event that people said was against the rules … nobody warned me it was against the rules, I am categorical about that – I would have remembered that,” he told Sky News
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