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Everything posted by SpaceCadet

  1. Areyou laughing at the shape of my borough?
  2. I love it when you talk dirty
  3. In the Black Country Labour have kept their ghettos
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-politics-44002060
  5. Was there any need for UKIP to compare themselves to the black death? They did did win a seat on Andrew's local council after all.
  6. They did just fine where I am, my town usually goes conservative but this time my whole borough have turned blue.
  7. UKIP has dieded Thanks to UKIP's demise we are going Tory
  8. Yes, our party has an infestation of Keynesians at the moment, most conservatives would love to change that.
  9. People visiting food banks is also a reality but a reality most would like to change for the better.
  10. According to the Etymology Dictionary, the first time the word fleece was used in the figurative sense was in the 1570s. And when used in the literal sense, fleecing an animal leaves it vulnerable to the elements, in a way "stealing" the coat off their back. It would make sense that the word evolved the way it did.
  11. That is why I put both "ideally" and "realistically".
  12. Fleased means conned... I'm not sure I heard it in the north east, I think it's a midland-southern term.
  13. Ideal for the consumer I hate spending money
  14. Those figures were an example of where I think they ought to be. The US on average is at 13% and I think we can do just as well.
  15. https://www.gov.uk/vat-rates If the government's website is my arse then yes.
  16. I'm no economist, I'm just sharing. I inherited my politics from my grandfather who was involved in the treasury for his local council. He once bought me a mug for my 18th with Maggie on it, when my ex broke it not long after my grandfather's passing I was devastated.
  17. Ideally 0% Realistically 10-15% The current standard rate is at 20% I believe.
  18. How would I pay for the reduction of VAT? I wouldn't, the growth will do that alone.
  19. There was just 11 years of Thatcherism.
  20. Wages are not too low, the cost of living is too high. VAT is is too much, consumers are being fleased.
  21. I am cautious with polls Whether they're favouring my candidate or not.
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